You’ve reached the final destination of the sales process.
You’ve persuaded a difficult prospect, shared with them your company’s story, they want to look at your plans, and you’ve given them a quotation.
Having carefully cradled the prospect all the way to the precious finale of the sale, you’re now waiting for them to put their pen to paper.
Tensions run high at this point. You’ve got a quota to meet. And you’re wondering why they’ve not responded to your quote yet.
Is it too much? Should you have quoted lower? Well, you don’t know! Your sales manager, too, doesn’t know. But we’ve all been there.
So, what should you do in those crucial days after you’ve sent the quotation?
Do you wait?
Give them a ring?
How do you follow up after sending a quote? We explain in detail below.
Download Now: Quotation Follow-up Templates [Free Access]
How Should You Follow Up After Sending a Quotation?
The waiting period that starts ticking from the moment you drop an email with the quotation can be nerve-wracking. But you have to do everything in your power to ensure you are following up with your prospective clients within the right time frame and that you’re doing it the right way.
Here are essential tips from the sales lead at Klenty on sending the quotation email, and how to follow up after:
(i) Know your prospect’s intent and send additional information that caters to their specific needs
Obviously, there are different kinds of buyers. Let’s categorize them into 3 buckets:
- One who’s evaluating a single solution–yours
- One who’s evaluating multiple solutions
- One who has a pressing problem and wants to solve it ASAP (lean into pain points)
So when any of them ask you for a quote, you can tailor the content of your email to suit whichever type of prospect they are.
To the one who’s evaluating only a single solution, send just the pricing. You’ve already sold them on all your products’ bells and whistles. You may not want to suffocate them with your value prop.
To the one who’s looking at multiple solutions, you should remind them of your pricing or value proposition compared to the competitors’. And to the one who wants a solution ASAP, lean into their pain point. Stress on it.
(ii) Gauge their response to your quote (by talking to them on the phone)
Your first focus after sending a quote is to see how they are reacting to your price because you have little to no idea if it’s too much or if they’re playing hardball. Once you know their reaction, you can figure out what kind of discount or benefits you’d want to offer.
Ideally, the first thing you should do after sending a quotation is to make a phone call with them within a day and ask them what they feel about the pricing rather than following up again.
There’s also a good chance that they open up to you about any apprehensions about the product or service. Once you’ve understood their stand on the pricing, follow up within a day with your revised offer.
What Should You Include in a Follow-up Email After Sending a Quote?
The content of your follow-up email will depend on their response to the pricing.
If they’re totally sold on the product and are only on the fence about it because of the pricing, throw in a little discount. But if they have neither picked up your call nor responded to your email, you’ll need to dig into your previous conversations with them and use one or two of the prospects’ ‘aha’ moments now.
A general rule of thumb for sales follow-up emails is to provide value so don’t send follow-ups that just reads, “I’m following up for an update.” Because their inboxes are inundated with scores of emails and long threads of communication, if your previous email doesn’t provide any context, it can get buried.
7 Quotation Follow-up Email Samples
Template #1: Quote Follow-up Email: Everything Is Going Well
This is the traditional follow-up email you send after they’ve asked for the pricing if they haven’t picked up your call. Ensure that your sign-off has your contact information.
Subject line: Pricing info – {your company name}x{prospect’s company name}
Hi {name},
Here’s our quote for the {name of the pricing plan/package} we discussed in our last conversation.
{Your product’s pricing plan/package}
Looking forward to getting your thoughts,
{sign off}
Template #2: Following Up After a Call With Revised Offer
Depending on their reaction to the pricing you can send a follow-up email within 24 hours from the call which includes an update on your conversation–whether it be a revised offer or the same. This is the time you can use to discuss the importance of the deal with your manager and finalize on whether you want to give your prospects a discount or benefits or not.
Scenario #1: Follow-up Email Example Offering a Discount
Email Subject line: Congratulations! We’ve reviewed your offer
Hi {name},
I’ve spoken with my colleagues and have taken a closer look at your special request.
Considering how our solution could be really helpful to your team, we’ve decided to revisit the offer as a token of our appreciation for considering us.
Here’s a plan custom-made for you at a {discount percentage} lower quote:
{include your solution’s pricing information}
Wishing you a great evening,
{sign off}
Scenario #2: Quote Follow-up Email When You Want To Reject a Prospect’s Discount Request
You are never obligated to say yes to everything prospects demand. “Say no to some requests, as not all requests are of the same value, your time is precious, use it wisely,” says Gaetan Kerhuel and François Poupon, account executives from Napta. In this type of follow up-email, you have to find positive ways to break news. If you know for a fact that they have the budget and are only looking to drive home a bargain, focus on reminding them what you can do instead of outrightly rejecting the discount request.
Subject line: {your company name}x{prospect’s company name} – We’ve reviewed your request
Hey {name},
First off, thank you for considering our solution. I’m thrilled that we are uniquely positioned to help {prospect’s company name} overcome pressing issues plaguing the {prospect’s field of work} function.
When we spoke last week, your priorities were solving:
{pain point #1}
{pain point #2}
{pain point #3}
Are they still the same? Because I’ve prepared a custom use-case guide for you and would love your thoughts on it.
Regarding your request for a discount, we’re sorry that at the moment we are not able to offer any discounts on the plan you’ve chosen.
{sign off}
Template #3: Following Up on LinkedIn After Sending a Quote
Alternatively, you could modify any of the above or below quote follow-up email samples to be sent to LinkedIn. Just remember to shorten it.
Subject Line: Questions about {product name}?
Hi {name},
Do you have any questions regarding the pricing of {product name}? I’d be more than happy to answer them.
Wishing you a great {week/day/weekend},
{sign off with a CTA}
Want to ramp up your LinkedIn outreach? Here are 17 LinkedIn message templates to boost your reply rates.
Template #4: Crickets From the Prospect After Dropping the Quote
This is when no one’s picking up the phone call, and there’s no reply from the prospect after you’ve sent your quote.
At this point try to find out why they may be caught up–are they looking at competitors? Have other priorities? Or has already found a solution? Follow up with them regularly with different types of useful content like a whitepaper or blog post, and use a sales engagement software or a sales automation tool to look at how they are engaging with these emails. Is a particular topic getting their attention? That’ll give you clues on their buying intent at this stage.
Subject Line: Is solving {pain point} still a priority, {prospect name}?
Hi {name},
Did you have any thoughts on the pricing I had sent over {time}? I’m happy to clear any doubts regarding the plans.
Per our previous conversations, you mentioned that {pain point} is the key area you wanted to focus on this quarter. Our {name of plan} is best suited for this use case. Here are:
- case studies with the same use case,
- mini-demo videos on how to use {your solution} to solve {pain point}, and
- starter-pack guide for the {solution}
I’ll keep my ear to the ground for any questions you may have.
Happy to help,
{sign off}
Template #5: Following Up After Sending a Quote With Competitor Insight
You can send these follow up sales emails if your prospects are at a stage where they are comparing your product with its competitors. The aim is to show why your product is best suited for them than any of its competitors.
However, refrain from badmouthing your competitors and use data-backed resources like case studies to prove your point in your follow up sequence.
Subject line: Deciding between {Your company name} and {competitor}?
Hi [prospect name],
I’d love to hear your thoughts on the quote I had shared with you last week.
In the meantime, I remembered that you were evaluating {competitor} as well.
To ease your decision making, here are some docs that explain how we are different from {competitor}, and how {your product} is actually best-fit for your use-case.
- {product} vs {competitor}: Pros & Cons
- Case studies for your use-case
It’d be my pleasure to answer any questions you may have. Reach me at {contact number} or on LinkedIn. (link to profile)
Hope you have a great week,
{sign off - include a Call to action with meeting link to demo}
Template #6: Final Follow-Up: Offer a Free Trial Till the Date of Onboarding
The classic puppy dog close! Use this sales follow up email template when your prospects are convinced about the worth of the product but skeptical about its price. When you offer a free trial, they get a chance to try your product without any pressure. On top of that, the subtle sense of urgency created through a deadline urges them to act fast.
Subject Line: Free trial to understand {product} better?
Hey {prospect name},
While you’re mulling over the quote, would you like to kick {product’s} tires a bit?
Per our last conversation, you seemed quite curious about {feature/use case), you could test them out during this free trial. I’ll enable {X seats} so your team can use it as well.
We can do this for a week, and then extend it till the date of onboarding if you can confirm your purchase before {deadline}.
Here’s the link to activate your free trial.
Feel free to shoot your questions, I’d be happy to help.
{sign off}
Template #7: Following up When They Reject Your Offer
Rejection hurts, especially when you have almost tasted victory. But your prospects needn't know that ( or, to put it bluntly, they don't care). And the best you can do in this case is to acknowledge their rejection by sending a reply. While replying, never guilt-trip them or say something that might burn bridges forever. Instead, tell them how you respect your choices and end it on a positive note, leaving room for future interactions.
Scenario #1: Quote Follow-up Email Example When They’ve Stated the Reason for Rejecting the Offer
Subject Line: We respect your decision
Hey {prospect name},
Thanks so much for the update. While it isn't the response I expected, I am thankful to you for taking the time to reply instead of putting me in limbo.
I understand you can't go forward with the offer because of {reason}. While I respect your decision, I can't help but ask if resolving {reason} by {measures to review} would encourage you to reconsider.
If yes, do let me know because I still believe {product} can help you achieve {results}.
Scenario #2: Follow-up Email Example When They’ve Not Stated the Reason for Rejecting the Offer
Subject Line: We respect your decision
Hey {prospect name},
Thanks so much for the update. While it isn't the response I expected, I am thankful to you for taking the time to reply instead of putting me in limbo.
I get it that you can't go forward with the offer because of {reason}.
While I respect your decision, do let me know if there's anything that I can do to make things work out.
{sign off}
3 Points To Consider When Writing a Follow-up Email After Sending a Quote

1. Don’t Follow-up With Desperate Emails to Close the Deal.
Following up after sending a quote is like walking on a tightrope. Either you'll close the deal, or you'll lose it all, your time, effort, and money. Most often, the latter happens when you send a pushy follow-up email that screams, 'I want your money.' So, here are things you can include in your follow-up to make it more than just a quote follow-up:
- List down their top 3 priority problems and how your solution helps solve them.
- Highlight any of your clients' 'aha' moments during the presentation or demo.
- Update them on work-in-progress additional features or any special requests made earlier.
2. Keep the Email to the Point, Do Away With Small Talk and Long Paragraphs.
Long-winding emails are boring to the bones, and your prospects avoid them at all costs, says almost all the quota-crushing SDRs we interviewed for the SDR X-factor series. So, write one-liners, use bullet points, and break huge walls of text.
Also, resist the urge to talk about your value proposition at length here. Instead, focus on what makes them tick. If they are evaluating other options, give them information to show why you are better without slinging mud at your competitors. If they are knee-deep in a business problem, remind them how you can help.
3. Don’t Be Afraid To Say No to Prospect’s Requests
Yes, the ball is in their court now, and you are so close to winning. We get it. But that doesn't mean you should agree to all requests they make, from revisions in offers to ad-hoc demands after a demo.
If you find their requests unreasonable, don't hesitate to say no. But remember to water it down by shifting the focus from what you can't do to what you can. You can also offer them something else to make up for the request you rejected.
The urge to follow up almost instantly after sending a quote is universal. Doing so will only make you look pushy and desperate. Set Sail’s enterprise account executive Ryan Cavezza says in agreement, “Most sales reps are tempted to jump right in and offer to adjust the terms or offer a discount. This is a huge mistake! You’ll have no idea what they’re thinking if you don’t let them air out any concerns or thoughts they have.” Also, know that the buyer is going through an enormous evaluation process–with multiple stakeholders and budgetary requirements–in a market inundated with solutions. So, give them time, and don’t push the sale.
The final stages of a sale can be a battlefield with everyone trying to play the game of negotiation. It will be very easy to offer discounts and lowball yourself to close deals, but that won’t help the business in the long run. Have patience and follow up first within the first two days after sending the quote via email, call, or LinkedIn, then once a week for two weeks. -
What if the prospect rejects the quotation you sent?
Here's a quotation follow-up sample shared by Ryan:
Prospect: "Ryan, we only have X budgeted for this project, and my CFO will not approve anything a cent over this. Is there anything you can do on the price?"
Ryan: "We typically don't offer discounts. However, I have seen our leadership team approve them for customers that sign multi-year deals with us. If I can get a discount approved that gets you within your budget, are you willing to partner with us on a 2-year agreement?"
What should I include in a quotation follow-up email?
1. List down their top 3 priority problems and how your solution helps solve them.
2. Highlight any of your clients’ ‘aha’ moments during the presentation or demo.
3. Talk to internal stakeholders and give your prospects an update on work-in-progress additional features or any special requests made earlier.
Should I call the customer after sending a quotation follow-up email?
Can I use a template for a quotation follow-up email?
How do you reply to a rejected quote in an email?
1. Thank them for replying and respecting your time
2. Tell them you respect their decision
3. If possible, offer to resolve whatever is stopping them from moving forward
4. If not, end it on a positive note by asking them if you can do anything to make them rethink.