Do people still listen to voicemails?
Do they have the time?
Should I even leave voicemails?
We get it. Leaving voicemails can often feel like tossing messages into a mysterious black hole.
But if your pitch is strong enough, you can yank the listener away from their day to respond to your hard-to-say-no-to proposition.
A bad voicemail, on the other hand, can kill your chance at scoring business. This is why effective sales voicemails should not be an afterthought.
In this blog, we’ll arm you with 12 killer sales voicemail scripts that'll grab your prospects' attention and have them reach for the callback button in no time.
What Is a Sales Voicemail Script?
A voicemail script for sales is a pre-written message that helps you:
- convey your value proposition
- capture the prospect's attention, and
- prompt them to call you back
It provides a structure to your message and ensures you cover all important points during the brief voicemail. A well-crafted cold calling script helps you avoid stumbling over words, getting sidetracked, or forgetting crucial details when you only have 30 seconds to make an impression.
Why Are Sales Voicemails Important in Cold Calling?
21% of buyers actually prefer to be contacted via professional voicemail message. This means a significant chunk of your potential leads are more comfortable engaging with you through compelling voicemail messages left in their voicemail boxes.
Plus, they are less intrusive. Unlike a live call that might catch prospects off guard, a voicemail gives them the freedom to listen and respond at their convenience.
A good voicemail:
- Shows you care about the prospect's time and are genuinely interested in helping them solve a problem.
- Improves your brand recognition and boosts trust and credibility so that you can reach your target market.
- Intrigues the prospect, increasing the chances of getting a callback.
- Serves as another point of contact, keeping you fresh in the prospect's mind and bolstering your conversion rate.
So, it makes sense to invest some time in crafting effective voicemails. To execute this at scale, pre-record your voicemails instead of recording them every time you have to drop it, and use a cold calling software that lets you drop pre-recorded voicemails in a single click.
Elements of a Successful Sales Voicemail Script
When your time frame is as small as 30 seconds, sticking to the following components is critical to employ a winning voicemail strategy:

- Your name: Including your name at the beginning establishes your identity such as "John Smith from ABC company" and makes the message more personal. It's the first step in building a connection with the prospect to see increased connection rates.
- Company name: Mention your company name right in the beginning when introducing yourself. It adds credibility and transparency to your message and lets the prospect know who you represent.
- Reason for your call: It is essential to state the purpose of your call clearly. Are you reaching out to offer a solution, provide valuable information, or schedule a meeting? Be concise and specific so the prospect knows exactly what you want.
- Benefits of calling you back: This is your opportunity to highlight what the prospect stands to gain by returning your call. Explain how your product or service can address their pain points or improve their situation. Focus on the benefits they will receive rather than just listing features in your outreach attempts.
- Your contact information: When cold calling, clearly state your phone number along with any other contact information they’ll need to get in touch with you. You can also try to repeat the same information twice so that they retain the information easier. For example, you can say something like, “Call me back at 5-3-2-1-0-6-3-9. Again that is 5-3-2-1-0-6-3-9.”
- Call to action: By giving a call to action at the end of the voicemail, you can set the expectation right in the mind of the prospect. By clearly highlighting the next steps whether it’s a callback or a demo appointment during business hours, you avoid unnecessary or unexpected actions from the prospects and veer your attempts towards a more successful cold outreach strategy..
12 Sales Voicemail Scripts for Different Scenarios
A perfectly crafted voicemail can help you make a lasting impression and spark those coveted callbacks. But it's not always easy to get it right.
No worries, though. Whether you're reaching out to a cold prospect, sending a follow-up email after a meeting, or engaging with a warm lead, our 12 voicemail sales scripts have got you covered. With these, you'll be able to leave the perfect message to an ideal lead in any situation.
1. Professional Voicemail Script for Sales
When leaving a voicemail, you could be witty, confident, clever, use a friendly tone or anything you want. It varies from prospect to prospect. However, if you're reaching out to C-level executives or you don’t feel confident to pull these off or modulate your tone of voice, a voicemail in a polished and confident tone can be your best bet. It shows professionalism and creates a sense of trust.
For example, an effective voicemail script would go something like this:
Hello [prospect's name]. This is [your name] from [ABC company].
We specialize in [your solution's value proposition]. I believe our expertise could be valuable to [prospect's XYZ company].
I would love the opportunity to learn more about your goals and explore how we can help you [achieve specific benefit]. Please feel free to reach out to me at [your phone number] and I'd be happy to answer any questions you have.
Again, that's [your number], from [your company].
2. Voicemail Script Using Trigger Events
Trigger events, such as recent news or industry developments related to a prospect's company present an excellent opportunity for sales reps to initiate contact. It shows the prospect you've done your homework and gives you a common topic to talk about.
Your sales conversation could include anything from a recent promotion to a successfully closed funding round.
For example,
Hi [prospect's name]. This is [your name] from [your company].
Congratulations on bagging the XYZ award for [category]. Incredible news!
I'd love to talk whenever you have a minute.
Call me back at [your phone number].
Again, it's [your name] at [your phone number].
3. Referral Sales Call Voicemail Script
Okay. Be honest. Looking back at your career, when you were doing business, job title, hiring talent, or even buying something new, what’s the first step you’ll take? For most of us, we ask around. We ask if they know anyone interested in our proposition, if they know a product that solves our problem, we ask for referrals to establish a personal connection.
In sales calls too, referrals can be highly effective because they leverage existing relationships and trust. When you mention a mutual connection, it instantly establishes credibility and encourages the prospect to reach out for further discussion. The result? A potential increase in callback rate.
Here's a sample script with a detailed message:
Hi [prospect's name]. This is [your name] from [your company].
[Mutual connection] mentioned you're facing [pain point] and believes our solution could help you with your needs.
We've helped [mutual connection's company] solve [similar pain point].
I'd love to connect with you to understand your challenges better and see if [solution] could be a good fit for you.
If you'd like to explore this further, give me a call back at [your phone number].
Again, that's [your number], from [your company].
Have a great day!
4. Follow-up Voicemail Script After Cold Email
So you've sent out a bunch of witty and well-crafted cold emails, each brimming with the promise of a fruitful partnership. But you get no response.
Email inboxes can be like magic wardrobes—your message might get lost in Narnia.
This is where sending a follow-up voicemail comes to your rescue. It serves as a friendly reminder of the initial email, bringing your name and offering back to the prospect's attention.
“The main purpose of the voicemail is to direct the prospect to your email. You only really have five or 10 seconds within that voicemail to capture their attention,” says sales expert Florin Tatulea.
Here's a sample sales voicemail script you can use:
Hi [prospect's name]. This is [your name] from [your company].
You might recall my email from [day of the email] where I shared how [solution] can solve [prospect's pain point]. I truly believe this could be a game changer for [prospect's company] and would love to hear your thoughts so we can tailor it to your unique needs.
Please give me a call at [your phone number] if you'd like to explore this further. Again, that's [your name], [your phone number].
Have a great day!
5. Using Competitor Info in the Script for Voicemail an Impactful Voicemail
Knowing the inside scoop on your prospect's competition can be your ace card. It piques your prospect's curiosity and shows you've done your homework. Plus, it shows that you've got your finger on the pulse of their challenges and have unique solutions that can give them an edge in the competitive market.
Here's a winning prospecting voicemail script,
Hi [prospect's name]. This is [your name] from [your company].
I've been following [prospect's company] closely and couldn't help but notice your dynamic approach to [specific function] to stay ahead of the competition.
In fact, I recently came across some interesting insights about [prospect's competitor] with [issue your product solves].
It got me thinking about how our solution could potentially help [prospect's company] stay at the forefront of [industry/cost-efficiency/innovation].
If you're interested, I'd love to understand your challenges in detail and see if our solution would be a good fit.
Please call me back at [your number]. Again, that’s [your number].
Have a great day!
6. Cold Call Voicemail Scripts for Gatekeepers
Gatekeepers are like tough bouncers for decision-makers who you have to get through before reaching the person you're after. Of course, you won't leave them a voicemail, but having a short and compelling message can be your golden ticket to get past the gatekeepers. Your message should be brief, convey your value proposition, pique their interest, and prompt them to connect you with the decision-maker.
Here's a script sample you can use:
Thanks for taking a message.
Can you please let [decision-maker] know that [your name] from [your company] called?
I understand [decision-maker] has been dealing with [pain point].
We specialize in helping businesses like yours overcome these challenges. I'd love to discuss how we can help [prospect's company].
You can reach me at [your phone number].
I appreciate your assistance in connecting us.
7. Craft Voicemails With High Urgency
You can create a level of urgency in your cold calling voicemails by emphasizing limited-time offers, upcoming deals, or mentioning specific timeframes, like asking prospects to give you a call back by this week. This compels them to evaluate your offer promptly and shortens the sales cycle, helping you close deals quickly.
For example,
Hi [prospect's name]. This is [your name] from [your company].
We've helped [competitor] achieve [quantitative benefit] with our solution in [time frame].
I noticed you talked about facing [similar pain points] in your recent LinkedIn post and wanted to reach out to see how we can help.
If you'd like to take this further, you can call me back any time this week at [your phone number].
Have a great day!
8. Voicemail To Create FOMO
Have a limited-time offer or an exclusive opportunity? Use it to tap into the prospect's fear of missing out (FOMO). While both urgency and FOMO aim to motivate prospects to take action, FOMO is more about making them feel they might miss out on something exclusive or highly regarded by others.
Here's a sample script,
Hi [prospect's name]. This is [your name] from [your company].
[Competitor] recently implemented our [solution] and saw [quantifiable results] in just [time frame].
I'm reaching out because I believe we can help you generate the same results. I'd love to discuss how we can tailor [solution] to meet your unique needs.
Call me back at [your phone number].
9. Script for Voicemail Offering Value
When you're leaving a voicemail, your goal isn't exactly to make a sale. You're trying to secure a follow-up conversation with the prospect. The best way to do this is to show what exactly your solution can do for them.
Don't just talk about how great your product is. Use specific metrics or success stories to demonstrate its value and benefits.
Another sample script,
Hi [prospect's name]. This is [your name] from [your company].
We've recently worked with [competitor] who has seen [measurable benefit] with our solution.
We can help [prospect's company] achieve the same results in [time frame].
If you'd like to know how we can do this, you can call me back at [your phone number].
Once again, this is [your name] from [your company] and my number is [your number].
Have a great day!
10. Voicemail for Interested Users
When the prospect has already shown interest in your solution, your pitch can be a bit more direct. Your voicemail should not only acknowledge their interest but also address the next steps. Here's a template you can use when the lead has signed up for a demo:
Hi [prospect's name]. This is [your name] from [your company].
I saw you signed up for a demo of [solution]. I'm thrilled that you've chosen to explore how our solution can benefit [prospect's company].
I'm sharing my calendar link via email so you can select a time that works for you.
If you have any questions or topics that you'd like us to cover during the demo, please feel free to reach out to me at [your phone number].
11. Attention-Grabbing Voicemail Script for Sales
In an era where people have the attention span of a goldfish, grabbing your prospect's attention can be half the battle won. You can easily do this by presenting something intriguing or unusual.
Sales expert Matt Macnamara asks his prospects not to call him back when leaving voicemails. This instantly stands out and also removes the pressure from the prospect. This way, he says, you can have better response rates to emails as opposed to expecting a callback.
Here's a template he recommends:
Hi [prospect name].
No need to call me back.
I'll be sending you an email with the subject line [mention subject line]. I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback on it whenever you get the time.
If I don't hear back, I'll call you again next Tuesday.
It's [your name] with [your company].
Have a great day!
12. Sales Voicemail to Cross-Sell/Up-Sell Your Product
Multiple studies have revealed that selling to an existing customer is more effective than selling to a new one. This is because they know about you, have tried your product, and found it useful. Therefore, convincing them for a cross-sell/up-sell becomes easier.
But how do you approach them without sounding pushy? Here's a template you can use:
Hi [prospect's name]. This is [your name] from [your company].
I'm happy to see you're enjoying [solution]. I'm calling to let you know we're rolling out a [new product/feature] that might help you improve [specific area].
Please call me back at [your phone number] and I'd be happy to discuss this with you.
Again, it's [your name] at [your phone number].
Have a great day!
7 Effective Tips for Creating Sales Voicemail Scripts
Crafting an impactful sales voicemail script is like composing a symphony. You must hit all the right notes in all the right places. We've rounded up the top 7 effective tips that'll help you strike the perfect chord with your audience and leave a lasting impression.

1. In-Depth Prospect Research
Think of your prospect as a puzzle. Each piece of information you gather is like finding a new puzzle piece. The more pieces you have, the clearer the picture becomes. Thoroughly researching your prospects will help you understand their needs, pain points, and preferences. This way, you'll know just the right things to say in your voicemail that will resonate with them.
“Whether or not you'll get a call back depends on how much you know about how to solve or help with what concerns your prospects,” says sales expert Jeffrey Gitomer.
2. Avoid Selling Your Product or Service
Don't make the voicemail all about your product or service. It'll be a conversation killer. Focus on building a genuine connection rather than delivering a sales pitch. Share something valuable, ask intriguing questions, or offer a fresh perspective about their industry or challenges. This will help you build rapport before popping the big question.
3. Mind the Tone and Delivery of Your Message
Your tone and delivery can make all the difference in your voicemail message. If you sound robotic or disinterested, your message won't resonate. So make sure your tone matches the message you're conveying, whether it's empathy, enthusiasm, or curiosity.
Additionally, the last thing you want is to cough or have a sore throat. It can affect the delivery of your message and the prospect might not understand it. To prevent this, clear your throat and drink some water before you pick up the phone.
4. Perform A/B Tests on Your Voicemail Scripts
Testing different voicemail scripts helps you fine-tune your message for maximum impact. By A/B testing variations in your message, CTAs, or even the timing of your voicemail, you can gather valuable insights into what resonates most with your audience. This will help you continuously improve the effectiveness of your voicemail outreach, making it more engaging and compelling.
5. Conveying Urgency to Prospects
Urgency is a potent psychological trigger that encourages action. This is called the mere urgency effect: people tend to tackle time-sensitive tasks before getting on ones that don't have strict deadlines but are more important.
Incorporating a sense of urgency into your voicemail can prompt prospects to take immediate steps. For example, highlight limited-time offers, time-sensitive benefits, or upcoming opportunities. This can make them feel that responding promptly is in their best interest and adds a compelling reason for them to engage with your message and take action.
6. Leave More Than One Voicemail
It's not uncommon for prospects to miss or overlook your initial voicemail. So, if you don't hear back from them, don't hesitate to reach out again. By leaving multiple voicemails over time, you show your genuine interest in connecting with them. Each message serves as a friendly reminder of your presence and willingness to assist. While it might take several attempts to make contact, it can pay off in building meaningful connections and opportunities.
As leading sales consultant Mike Weinberg puts it, "In more cases than you’d believe, you are actually gaining traction and building a relationship with someone who has yet to respond!"
7. Pre-Record Your Voicemail Scripts
Crafting and leaving the perfect voicemails can take you hours. Using sales calling software to pre-record voicemails will help you save time while ensuring consistent messaging. They also allow you to sound confident, clear, and engaging in every message you leave. Plus, they help you efficiently manage your outreach efforts, ensuring that each voicemail is of the highest quality.
Over 5000 high-performing sales teams choose Klenty to hit their calling goals. With its Sales Dialer, you can pre-record personalized messages and send them to prospects in just one click, and increase your call connect rates with outbound and inbound voicemails. Instead of worrying about whether or not you’ve covered everything in your voicemail, you can now only focus on nailing the call and booking the meeting.
What should a sales voicemail say?
-Your introduction (name and company).
-The purpose of your call.
-The value you're offering.
-A soft CTA.
-Your contact information
What is an example of a voicemail for sales?
Hi [prospect's name]. This is [your name] from [your company].
I noticed you're facing [pain point].
We've helped companies like [competitor 1] and [competitor 2] overcome similar challenges and achieve [specific benefit].
I'd love to discuss how our solution can potentially benefit [prospect's company] too.
Please give me a call back at [your phone number] and we can take this further.
Have a great day!