80% of cold calls go straight to voicemail. If that's the reality, manually recording a voicemail for each prospect takes around 60 to 90 mins per day for the reps. Do the math & it adds up to around 10 hours a week! That's a lot of time.
If this time can be saved, reps can use it to make more calls, connect with potential customers, and have actual conversations.
Thanks to technological advancements, there are tools that can automate voicemail drops, allowing you to pre-record your messages and send them out with just one click.
These are known as Voicemail drop tools.
So, what exactly is voicemail drop software, and what are some good options available for you to choose from? Keep reading to find out more.
What is Voicemail Drop Software?
Voicemail drop software is a tool that automates the process of sending pre-recorded voicemail messages to prospects.
When a call goes unanswered, the tool drops the message directly into the prospect's voicemail inbox, saving time and resources that would otherwise be spent on manual dialing.
Key Features to Look for in a Voicemail Drop Software:
When checking out voicemail drop software, here are the key features you should keep an eye on:
- 1-Click Voicemails: The tool should allow you to leave pre-recorded voicemails with just one click, saving you time that would otherwise be spent waiting for beeps and re-recording.
- Voicemail Detection: The tool should automatically detect when your call goes to voicemail and drop the pre-recorded message for you, so you can just move on to the next call without waiting for the beep sound to leave your voicemail.
- Voicemail Repository: The tool should allow you to create a collection of different voicemail templates that you can use for the variety of prospect segments which you build.
7 Voicemail Drop Softwares You Need To Check Out:
There are plenty of fish in the sea, and it can be hard to know which one is right for you. We’ve curated a list of 7 tools that are worth considering.
1) Dial IQ by Klenty:
Dial IQ by Klenty is a tool that makes calling easier for sales reps. It automates the dialing process and helps with tasks that usually take a lot of time. When it comes to voicemail drop, Dial IQ lets you leave pre-recorded voicemails automatically.

This way, you can focus on making more calls and connecting with people instead of recording a new voicemail every time a call doesn’t go through.
This is how Dial IQ does voicemail drop,
- One-Click Voicemails: Dial IQ's Click-to-Call Dialer allows you to leave pre-recorded voicemails instantly with a single click. This eliminates wait times and the need to re-record during calling campaigns.
- Auto-Drop Voicemails: If a call goes unanswered, Dial IQ's Power Dialer and Parallel Dialer options will automatically drop a voicemail. This enables sales reps to keep dialing other prospects without interruptions.
- Personalized Templates: Create and save tailored voicemail templates for different campaigns in a repository. This enhanced customization based on prospect segments can potentially increase engagement and response rates.
- Out-of-Office Voicemail: If a prospect calls back after your voicemail and you're unavailable, Dial IQ can automatically drop a voicemail on your behalf. The message can inform them of your availability and how to leave their details.
- CRM Integrations: Dial IQ integrates with popular CRM tools like Salesforce, HubSpot, Pipedrive & Zoho CRM.
- Real Time Alerts: Dial IQ notifies you as soon as a prospect responds, so you can follow up without any delays.
Dial IQ offers 2 pricing tiers: Basic and Advanced.
- Basic: $35/user/month (billed annually) and $45/user/month (billed quarterly)
- Advanced: $99/user/month (billed annually) and $75/user/month (billed quarterly)
- AI-Based Coaching (add on): $40/user/month (billed annually) and $40/user/month (billed quarterly)
2) Justcall:
JustCall is a VoIP(Voice Over Internet Protocol - call over internet) platform designed for businesses of all sizes, focusing on improving communication for sales & support teams. It offers features that make it easier for sales teams to connect with prospects and manage calls effectively.

Justcall helps with voicemail drop in the following ways:
- Pre-recorded Message: You don’t need to manually record a voicemail for every individual. You as a rep can drop a pre-recorded message when the call goes unanswered and that process is automated.
- Schedule Your Voicemail Drops: JustCall has a feature which allows you to schedule voicemail drops in advance, ensuring that voicemail messages reach prospects at the most effective times.
- Analytics Dashboard: You can measure the performance of the voicemail campaigns and reps activities through a comprehensive analytics dashboard.
- Unlimited Voicemails: There is no limit to the number of voicemail drops you can make per day. So you need not worry about calls going unanswered, as the voicemail service will work for all the reps regardless of how many calls you have made in a day.
JustCall - Voicemail drop feature not listed under any plan.
3) Ringover:
Ringover is a cloud-based VoIP system. Along with standard phone features to make and receive voice and video calls, voicemail & conference calling, Ringover offers a number of add-on features that boost productivity for sales teams.

Here’s what Ringover offer when it comes to Voicemail drop:
- Quick Activation & Deactivation: You can easily turn the voicemail drop feature on and off with just a click whenever you need it. If you don’t need the pre-recorded message anymore, deactivating it is just as simple.
- Upload Your Voicemail: With Ringover, you can upload an MP3 file of your pre-recorded voicemail, and it will automatically drop the message in this file when your calls go unanswered.
- Zero Interruptions: Ringover automates the voicemail drop, allowing you to focus on having live conversations with your prospects without interruptions.
Ringover - Advanced Plan - $54/user/month - Voicemail drop is available under the Advanced plan.
4) Convoso:
Convoso is a tool for businesses focused on outbound sales and lead generation. It offers features like omnichannel predictive dialing, caller ID reputation management, and answering machine detection to help you reach more leads and boost sales.

When it comes to voicemail drop, here’s what Convoso offers:
- Smart Voicemail Drop: Convoso allows you to automatically leave pre-recorded voicemail messages, saving time & helping you to focus on making more calls.
- Customizable messages: Each voicemail can be tailored to meet specific customer needs or situations, ensuring a personalized touch for every prospect.
Convoso - Pricing page not available.
5) Dialpad:
Dialpad platform brings all your business communication tools together in one place. With it, you can make HD voice calls, send instant messages and SMS, hold video meetings, and even manage a cloud contact center.

Dialpad can help you with voicemail drop in the following ways:
- Personalized Templates: You can create and save multiple voicemail templates tailored to different campaigns and prospect segments.
- CRM Integrations: With Dialpad, voicemail drops are accurately logged in CRMs like Salesforce, providing insights into message performance for you to assess.
- One-Click Voicemail Drop: Dialpad allows you to instantly drop a pre-recorded message with a single click when a call goes unanswered & reaches the prospect's voicemail inbox.
Dialpad - Voicemail drop feature not listed under any plan.
6) Ring.io:
Ring.io is a communication platform designed to enhance sales outreach by enabling reps to connect with prospects through multiple channels, including personalized emails, SMS, and video sales pitches.

Ring.io offers a range of options when it comes to voicemail drop:
- Multichannel Outreach Integration: With Ring.io, voicemail Drop can be integrated into multichannel outreach strategies, increasing the chances of receiving responses from prospects.
- CRM Integration: Every voicemail drop is logged in CRMs such as Salesforce, HubSpot, Pipedrive, Zoho CRM, and Zendesk, ensuring seamless tracking and analytics.
- Pre-Recorded Messages: Ring.io allows you to pre-record multiple voicemail messages and select the appropriate one to drop when a call goes unanswered. This helps you with maintaining consistency and saving time which can be spent on making more calls.
- Automatic Voicemail Detection: The system of Ring.io utilizes smart beep detection technology to automatically recognize when a call reaches voicemail. This allows the pre-recorded message to be dropped without you needing to wait for the beep.
Ring.io - Startup Plan - $90/user/month - Voicemail drop is available with the Startup plan and their other higher tier plans including Growth and Enterprise.
7) Kixie:
Kixie is an AI-powered sales communication platform that combines calling, texting, and CRM integration to enhance sales processes and to boost the performance of sales teams.

- Single-Click Drop: You can drop a pre-recorded voicemail into a prospect's inbox with just one click when a call goes unanswered, speeding up the calling process.
- Follow-Up Automation: After leaving a voicemail, you can automatically follow up with an SMS message to inform prospects that you called, creating a seamless communication cadence
- User-Friendly Dashboard: All pre-recorded voicemails are easily accessible in the Kixie dashboard and dialer, allowing you to select and drop messages effortlessly.
- Integration Capabilities: Kixie integrates with over 25 leading CRMs and productivity tools allowing seamless workflows.
Kixie - Professional Plan - Pricing upon request - Voicemail drop is available under the Professional plan, but the pricing hasn’t been specified. Contact their team for details.
Ready to Choose Your Voicemail Drop Solution?
If you're still trying to decide which voicemail drop tool to go with, let us give you a friendly nudge in the right direction.
Dial IQ by Klenty is the cream of the crop when it comes to voicemail drops.
Sure, voicemail drop is a great feature that saves you tons of time. But Dial IQ packs some serious heat with its parallel and power dialer modes too. These will have you blowing past your call goals without breaking a sweat.
If you want to see Dial IQ in action, book a demo with us right now!