When a sales rep makes a cold call, the prospect might hesitate to pick up if they see an unknown number. Maybe they don’t have their phone in hand, or they just don’t feel like answering. There are plenty of situations like this, and as a result, many calls go unanswered and reach voicemails.
This shift in how people respond means that sales reps end up spending more time leaving voicemails than actually talking to prospects
According to Ringlead, sales reps dedicate approximately 15% of their workday to recording these messages, with each voicemail taking about a minute to complete.
On average, sales reps spend at least an hour each day recording and leaving voicemails manually.
While it’s often unavoidable for sales reps to leave voicemails, they can certainly optimize the manual process of recording and sending these messages. How can they do this?
*Drum roll*
Voicemail Drop.
But what exactly is voicemail drop, and how can Klenty’s Dial IQ tool help you with it? Read on to discover everything about it
What is Voicemail Drop?
A voicemail drop is a technique used while calling that involves sending a pre-recorded voicemail message directly to a prospect's voicemail inbox. Sales reps can effortlessly do these for multiple prospects within a short span of time.
Primarily utilized in outbound sales campaigns, voicemail drop helps reps maintain engagement with prospects and cultivate relationships, even when those prospects are unable to take calls.
How Does Voicemail Drop Work?
Here’s how the voice mail drop works in dialer solutions that offer this feature.
1. Pre-Record Messages
Sales reps create and record personalized voicemail messages in advance. These messages are tailored for different prospect types, ensuring that each message aligns with the prospect’s needs and interests.
2. Voicemail Drop
During a cold calling session, if a call goes to voicemail, the rep can drop the pre-recorded message with a single click. This eliminates the need for manual recording and sending of voicemails.
3. Automatic Delivery
Advanced systems offer automatic voicemail drop, where the pre-recorded message is delivered as soon as the voicemail system picks up, without requiring additional action from the rep. This allows the rep to immediately move on to the next call.
Is Voicemail Drop Legal?
Voicemail drop is legal, but businesses must adhere to specific regulations to ensure compliance. The most important requirement is obtaining prior express consent from recipients before sending voicemails, particularly if the messages are promotional or related to debt collection.
This consent can be obtained through various means, such as written agreements, online forms, or recorded phone conversations.
Failure to comply with the TCPA can result in severe consequences for businesses.
3 Benefits of Using Voicemail Drop:
1. Saves Time
Voicemail drop provides an invaluable benefit for sales reps: they save time! Yes. These tools make leaving voicemail messages effortless, often requiring just a single click.
Since the process is automated, reps don’t have to spend time sending messages manually, allowing them to jump right into their next call.
2. Increased Call Volume
The less time reps spend manually sending voicemails, the more time they can dedicate to calling and connecting with prospects.
As the voicemail drop is automated, reps can focus and increase the number of calls they make in a day, thereby enhancing their chances of successfully connecting with potential prospects.
3. Better Consistency
Voicemail drop allows reps to deliver polished, well-crafted messages. When voicemails are done manually, the quality tends to decline after a point. Reps may sound fatigued, and their enthusiasm may wane over time.
But with voicemail drop, the quality & the tone of the messages remains consistent.
How To Implement Voicemail Drop?
Here’s a simple breakdown of how you can implement voicemail drop in 2 steps.
1. Establish a clear structure for the voicemail:
According to a study, an average response rate for B2B voicemails is less than 5%.
A boring, bland voicemail that feels disorganized will not intrigue the prospect. So before recording a voicemail, it's important to have a clear structure ready to make it engaging and effective.
A clear structure and format helps you in creating voicemails that are engaging, memorable, and more likely to prompt a callback. Here are two sample formats you can use:
The Problem-Solution Format
- Greeting: Start with a friendly introduction, stating your name and company.
- Identify a Pain Point: Mention a common challenge the prospect may be facing in their business.
- Propose a Solution: Briefly explain how your product or service addresses that specific issue and provides value.
- Invitation to Connect: Invite them to discuss the matter further and how you can help.
- Follow-Up Promise: Let them know you'll follow up with an email summarizing the key points.
The Quick Check Format
- Greeting: Introduce yourself warmly and mention your company.
- Reason for Call: Clearly state the purpose of your call in one concise sentence.
- Highlight a Benefit: Briefly mention a key benefit of your offering that aligns with their needs.
- Encouragement to Respond: Encourage them to call back or reply to your email to continue the conversation.
- Contact Details: Provide your phone number and email for their convenience, making it easy for them to reach you.
2. Build a Playlist of Voicemails:
Sales reps engage with different prospects daily, each exhibiting unique pain points and interests. Pre-recording a personalized voicemail for every individual prospect is quite challenging.
So, the first step as a sales rep is for you to build a prospect list and segment these prospects into groups based on their interests and other relevant criteria.
Next, for each of these segments, you can create multiple personalized voicemail templates. All prospects within a specific segment will receive one of these tailored voicemail messages designed to address their particular needs and interests.
Once the structure is ready and the voicemail is recorded, you can easily drop them with a single click when the call goes unanswered.
How Can Dial IQ Help You with Voicemail Dropping?
Dial IQ by Klenty is a tool that automates the dialing process and optimizes the time-consuming calling tasks for the sales reps.
These are the 4 ways in which Dial IQ can help you with voicemail dropping:
- One-Click Voicemails: You can leave pre-recorded voicemails with just a single click, eliminating the need to wait for the beep or re-record messages. This significantly saves time during calling campaigns. You can do this with the help of the Click-to-Call Dialer option offered by Dial IQ.

2. Auto-Drop Voicemails: You can automate voicemail drops whenever a call goes unanswered. This enables reps to continue dialing other prospects without interruptions. This is possible with the Power Dialer and Parallel Dialer options in Dial IQ.
3. Personalized Templates: You can create and save multiple voicemail templates tailored to different campaigns in Dial IQ. This allows for customization based on prospect segments, which can lead to higher engagement and response rates.

4. Real Time Alerts: Get notified as soon as a prospect responds, so you can follow up without any delays.

5. Out-of-Office Voicemail: If the prospect decides to call you back after listening to the voicemail you left, and if you’re not available to take the call, Dial IQ can automatically drop a voicemail on your behalf, ensuring that prospects are informed about your availability & on how to leave their details.
Voicemail drop is just a feather in Dial IQ's cap. The tool has many more tricks up its sleeve, and to see it in full action, book a demo with us right away.