14 days, and we’ll change the
way you think about selling

Try Klenty for free. No credit card. No surprises.

  • Experience every feature in Klenty.
    No limits. Unrestricted access.
  • Send up to 500 emails per day.
  • Personalize emails with Video, Liquid
    Formulas and Placeholders.
  • Keep CRM automatically updated.

Sign up with your
work email


Work Email

By signing up, you agree to our
Terms and conditions and Privacy Policy


Analyze 250 Minutes
Worth of Sales Meetings For Free.
Zero Risk Involved.

  • Turn hours of reviewing calls into minutes
  • Understand what plays top-performing reps
    use to win deals
  • Keep reps focused on prospects,
    not note-taking
  • Ensure a clean, updated CRM
  • Maintain a repository of successful calls
    to train new reps

Experience How Conversation
Intelligence Improves Deal Win Rates

horzontalLine with or text

Work Email

By signing up, you agree to our
Terms and conditions and Privacy Policy

Click-to-Call Dialer

Line Up your calls and knock ‘Em down

Klenty’s Click-to-Call Dialer helps you place call after call in one click, keeps your prospect data and scripts organized, and logs all notes to CRM.

Schedule a demo

Let’s Face It: Calling Is Hard

  • Manually dialing numbers wastes time
  • Prospects don’t pick up most of the time
  • Juggling calls with other activities drains focus
  • No way to analyze why your talk track is failing
  • Taking notes distracts you from conversations
  • Traditional Dialers don’t support strategic post-call follow-ups
calling is hard image

Klenty’s Dialer Is Built To Help Sales
Teams Fall In With Calling

Let AI Take Notes For You

Klenty’s Call Intelligence Bot records calls, takes notes, and logs them in your CRM.

Get Into A State of Flow

With Focus Mode, everything disappears from your screen except your dialer.

Call Prospects In 1 Click

Klenty dials prospects in bulk. All you do is Call. Call. Call.

Save Hours On Data Entry

Direct Integrations ensure all call activities, manual notes, and scheduled tasks are synced to CRM.

For Every Prospect Who Picks
Up Your Calls Today, Get
Three More to Pick Up

Send Voicemails In a Click

Increase your connect rates with Outbound
and Inbound voicemails.

Call Prospects At The Right Time

With Time Zone Detection, batch prospects
based on timezone and call them during prime
business hours.

Use Local Numbers To Build Trust

Call prospects from numbers in their area code
so you increase your chances of connecting.

record voicemail record voicemail record voicemail

Alter Your Post-Call Follow-Ups
Based On Prospect Behaviour

Send Voicemails In a Click

Increase your connect rates with Outbound
and Inbound voicemails.

Call Prospects At The Right Time

With Time Zone Detection, batch prospects
based on timezone and call them during prime
business hours.

prospectbehaviour prospectbehaviour

Gain Insights On Both
Call Quality And Volume

Call Activity Reports

See rep call activity
volume across different timelines- across days or
the quarter.

Call Goals

Assign daily, weekly and monthly targets for call volume and meetings booked. Track goal attainment.

source insight

Make Every Call a Source
of Insight

Klenty's AI-driven Conversation Intelligence helps you
inspect your calls, extract insights and improve your call
connect-to-meeting ratio.

Learn more

A Dialer That Works The
Way You Do

  • Create calls as
    sequence steps or
    one-off tasks.
  • Batch and prioritize calls
    by due date, timezone,
    or sequence type
  • Call from Klenty or
    your CRM with the
    Plugin Dialer
  • Automatically schedule
    calls when prospects
    show intent
integrationtools integrationtools

With Klenty’s Dialer, You’ll Actually
Look Forward To Calling 

Schedule a demo

What Our Customers Have To Say