14 days, and we’ll change the
way you think about selling

Try Klenty for free. No credit card. No surprises.

  • Experience every feature in Klenty.
    No limits. Unrestricted access.
  • Personalize emails with Video, Liquid
    Formulas and Placeholders.
  • Keep CRM automatically updated.

Sign up with your
work email


Work Email

By signing up, you agree to our
Terms and conditions and Privacy Policy


Analyze 250 Minutes
Worth of Sales Meetings For Free.
Zero Risk Involved.

  • Turn hours of reviewing calls into minutes
  • Understand what plays top-performing reps
    use to win deals
  • Keep reps focused on prospects,
    not note-taking
  • Ensure a clean, updated CRM
  • Maintain a repository of successful calls
    to train new reps

Experience How Conversation
Intelligence Improves Deal Win Rates

horzontalLine with or text

Work Email

By signing up, you agree to our
Terms and conditions and Privacy Policy

Personalize + Scale.
The Sales Holy Grail

Customize your outreach based on who your prospects are, what they do, where they live and how they behave inside your sequence.

Sign up for free

Our Research On 5000+ Klenty Customers Using
Email Personalization Shows You’ll Get

Spike in click-
through rates

Increase in
open rates

Rise in
reply rates

Hyper-personalized steps. Fully automated journeys.


Lights. Camera.

  • Boring, lifeless emails remain unopened emails.
  • Embed personalized Videos into your sales sequences. Record videos and access video libraries without leaving Klenty. Track video engagement.

Make every email memorable. Skyrocket response rates.


Make a splash in every inbox

  • So, placeholders make your prospects feel warm and connected. Nope, we didn’t think so.
  • Create custom emails for every prospect with Liquid Templates. Don’t just alter the first name. Or just a few lines. Use dynamic formulas to assemble entire emails on autopilot.

Personalize while you sleep. Wake up to an inbox full of responses.


A pitch in time saves nine

  • Don't miss out on a prospect just because your email landed at the wrong time.
  • Using Delivery Windows, pick the date and time at which you want emails to hit the inbox.

Send timely emails when prospects are ready to talk business. No matter where they live.


Our cake. Your icing.

  • Don’t execute the same generic sequence for every prospect.
  • Use Preview & Edit to add an extra layer of personalization for critical prospects. Find 95% of the sequence done-for-you while you bring the 5% that matters. Approve emails before sending.

Take prospects from ‘’Yeah, so?’’ to ‘’Hell, yeah!’’

What our customers have to say

The inbox is your oyster.
Start your free, 14-day trial with Klenty today