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The 3 MOST Important Lessons I Learned As A B2B Sales Entrepreneur in Silicon Valley | Tech Sales

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if you've been watching my channel for a while you know that sales is one of the most important aspects of a business now being in sales for many years now i come to some truth when it comes is sales so not every salesperson is making a lot of money sometimes you're in a sales job and you hate it your c calling and you wonder if it's even worth it because not really making much money right but while other people they seem to just be or at google or or or something you're making multiple six figures what is the difference between being able to make a lot of money sales and not being able to make money what is that gap and how can you close that gap so that you can actually increase your income that's exactly what we're gonna be talking about in this video and i'm gonna explain to you some of the three secrets or strategies i used to significantly increase my income by just even just using the skill set of self first thing when it comes to generate higher income when it comes to sales is that it's all about your product right so it doesn't matter if you're the best salesperson person in the world if you're selling a product that just doesn't really make you much money it's difficult to sell or maybe the company you as is it's not good well doesn't matter how good you are selling if the product is terrible in a way you know is it even right to be selling that product and those are the questions just the ask yourself so the first thing is number one is your product something people actually want to buy does this solve a real problem and can you actually make a huge profit out of selling it right so she has a salesperson and the answer is no then i would highly suggest you switch to a different product now a lot of people in sales when they get started sometimes they just fall into sales because they just need a job and maybe they don't have many skills and they'll just sell anything whether it's like selling knives door to door selling vacuums selling times shares sometimes you can make a lot of money in it but sometimes it's just a really terrible job and that's why most people get to sales that they quit right so you definitely wanna stay away from those is you wanna go for the ones that actually make the big bucks i know for me personally i do have technology web three agency right which where i basically help like nfc companies and stuff like that with consulting and advising and the thing i've realized about that is i was able to charge so much more for my services just based on the problem and the value that was giving right so by targeting problems that are very difficult to solve very few people in the world can solve it i can charge a very high for that because my value is extremely high and my competition is very low so i have that marginal difference right so if people try to copy me is to gain the skills that i have is very difficult to copy so even if you try you probably won't be able to pull off they're all things i could do in terms of like having an agency or services right and so what i did it as i looked at okay what are the things that most people need that are pretty easy to do and kinda make money i looked at those things i noticed that a lot of other people did the exact same thing and i was like well i could do it it feels like easy money but am i really wasting the time and so i evaluated the opportunity and i realized yeah that absolutely isn't waste of time just avoided the things that everybody can do and then one for the thing that's very very very very hard to do so if you think about it let's say like more tangible example for you guys since not everyone's web three it would be like a social media marketing agency where they run your ads for example right nowadays everybody and their dog and cats is pretty much doing that that buy online course i'll teach you exactly how to do that you can like drop ship your services what are the cases so it's all about what you are actually offering so if you're offering something that everyone is offering eventually it's gonna be too saturated where you're not gonna make much margins now if you go for you know selling products and services that are very unique very difficult to copy high margin then it just makes your life so much more easier so if you're offering services as a freelancer entrepreneur contractor whatever the case is i would always offer the thing that's very difficult to do and very difficult to emulate like but you have to put in the work to actually develop those skills to do the job even now it's when i sell when i talk to people i always tell them like hey you know just to be upfront with few man like my services are not cheap and i set those stations in getting because i'm so confident of my ability to solve their problems that i have i just tell them front and they're like okay i understand that it's gonna be expensive but let's see hear what you have to say right that's the position you wanna be be the cheapest is you wanna figure out a way that you have maximum leverage you can charge the most out of all your competition because if you can charge the most you have more funds you have more funds you can hire a better team and then your services and everything you offer is just so much more better because you have more fun a lot of people fall into the trap of trying to be the cheapest and you have the cheapest you barely can pay yourself you don't have the funds you can't really do much right so high margins always look for those leverage opportunities find ways to position yourself in a way where whatever your selling has high high leverage and if that is you know relating back to a sales job don't sell a product that everyone else is selling don't go to a company where there's millions of competition go to some place like unique where their product is just so good that it's very easy to sell it sometimes it's the boring businesses that make a lot money and once you actually get into a meeting what's an accept what i've learned from especially recently of like doing selling services especially in the space is that the best way the cells really to pain so a lot of times here here's how happens like i get connected with certain people because friends of friends connections the connections they see me as influencer or what are the cases i'm in the door right why i got shot now from there a lot of people don't even know what i do what i offer they don't even know that i can solve problems that they didn't even know that they had so how it usually goes is i hang out with people and i just kinda ask them about like what they're doing and what their goals are and things like that and then i kinda look for problems right either they're are common problems i always see people have just kinda educate the pain so i started small asking little questions like hey you know what's going on over here and then usually they go like well you know we have some problems with here where we're trying do this oh interesting tell me more right and so i just kinda get into it and typically what happens is they'll tell more about their problems and more and more and more and more and more to the point they realize like oh my god this actually series problem if we can't solve this problem then i don't even know how we're gonna be successful in this whole like web through space as we're talking through it what i basically do is i kinda act like consultant in a sense where i kinda guide them in a direction that could potentially solve the problem i don't give enough for them to solve the problem right there right that's why they have pay for me to get to the next step the way i make them feel is like if i were literally on their team and it was my job to fix their problem and once they realize this they're like okay like how much you charge and so basically i get them to want to work with me not necessarily the other way around i always tell people like i'm expensive i can only work a few people at a time and i only wanna work with people that i like now i am the prize right because it's almost like positioning myself where i have the magic touch where anything i touch just works so they're like how much you cost and stuff like that give a price and then usually they kinda just go with it because they see that men's value that i give now the value i give is essentially like if they pay me a hundred dollars i'll make them five hundred that's pretty much to sale right so it's like in a way i'm kinda free because i always help you make more money than you give me and then i'm just giving my advice and my strategy so that you can sell whatever is that you're selling so much more better a lot of times for our technology companies problem is like they'll create all these cool things and they just hope that people will buy definitely a lack of confidence when it comes to hoping what i do is i give them that confidence because i have a formula on how to sell product because i've been doing it selling technology for so many years that's just give them the formula and help them out and do that thing by educating the pain showing them that i am the solution and i am one of the only people in the world i actually do it in your particular situation because if they feel like you're the only solution to their problem and no matter how hard they look they're not gonna find anybody else then you are going to get the business so that's essentially whatever you knew so yeah so i i really recommend you guys do that for your particular product or service that you're selling it's really just educating the pain and a lot of times when i get clients they literally weren't even looking to hire services i offer they weren't even aware of the problem that they had a lot of the times and it's really me getting on all with them or having a conversation and making them aware finding these pain points and showing them that by solving them and covering these holes they're gonna be so much better in their business now the third thing that really helps me when it comes to generating more sales is creating content that in the web three space and crypto space and i'll talk about that space a lot because a lot of my attention is focus on that these days i really started doing twitter like a year ago create another youtube channel the para which is n t youtube channel i did that those media channels you can call it don't necessarily make money itself right the ad revenue is not very high don't do any sponsorships on these youtube channels as well really the real money comes from b2b b services so people see me they seem to talk about different things and entities that can trust me as so incredible in the space and then naturally people not want a network through with me right because they i see i have following they say see i'm a little bit famous or in that particular niche and they want my advice and that's basically how i build my network so i use the content as a way to build my network and then when i build relationships with different founders different people that work out large companies what i do is i give them advice for free i just help them out essentially by helping people for free there's just so much goodwill built up they're just like hey you know we're gonna do this thing and we would really love your help to help us get this going from there then it's a conversation of what will it take for me to be convinced to work with that the way the business model kinda of works is that i only work with a handful of clients at a time so in a way kind position myself as a boutique advisory it's not cheap but it definitely gets results and i only work with a handful of clients at a time which in a way because there's more scarcity allows me to increase the prices i charge also increases perceived value and also makes people feel a lot more confident when i work with them and a lot of times people pay for confidence believe it or not especially when it comes to many services like advice right you know creating content was really the key i wouldn't be able to get my first clients if it weren't for content and people giving me a shot and then once i got clients people know who i am they wanna talk with me and that all i have to say is like hey you i work with x y and z and i probably is same for you if you'd you want and of course they're gonna be like alright do i work with you but yeah but really the engine to make everything work is content all the leads that i create all the people that i wanna to connect with me is through content it's very rare for me to do outbound when it comes to like the advisory side so it's not like i'm cold emailing all these people i really just create constant content content content let them come to me or or i will be connected with someone through inbound and then i would ask them hey you know is there anyone that would be looking for some advisory services so just like a low key way to do it right now even trying that hard he will be like oh you know like i was thinking of this one project that connected to let me introduce you and that's typically how it goes so if you are in the position to do it would really advise you to like create content you know doing youtube and stuff is very difficult and i don't think it's for everyone because not everyone wants to be on camera right but twitter twitter i'm learning that you don't really need a big following to make a significant amount of income on twitter you could really go with a couple thousand people and you can be making like six figures off a couple of thousand people depending on the services that you provide if they're like very high value things then you only need a couple clients a year in order to do well so it's just like going up a ladder if you will right it's like moving upstream and i write recommended because the higher price points you're able to charge you meet different people you meet different companies and there's much less competition you know right now everyone's trying to teach each other how to become social media marketing agency or something like that right and it's very difficult to do where it's kinda like the winners are taking at all but if you are shooting up market you know there's like literally no competitors at certain levels right or maybe you had less than five competitors so i highly recommend you go upstream if possible because enterprise is always easier even for saas businesses if you think about it like do you really wanna sell to hundred different retail stores a month or do you wanna do one deal a month right it's what's actually easier to work one is more strategic one is more like labor of like coal calling and all these things be very strategic with your time and try to leverage these companies especially if you're an employee leverage the fact that they did all the work for you to find a product market a fit and then use their product to sell to different customers to take your car that's the name of the game and so yeah so those are some of the tips that that really helped me out over the past year and a half hope you got something out of this and if you did make sure to this video like subscribe and turn on notification by the way if you wanna learn more about sales make sure to check out my master sales legacy they'll teach you everything you need to know to get started there's a free one hour training over there if you go to the website link is also in the description and i will see you in the next one
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In this video, the speaker discusses strategies for increasing income through sales and provides three key secrets. They begin by highlighting the significance of sales for a business's success and delve into three crucial strategies for improving sales income: 1. Product Value and Profit: The speaker emphasizes the importance of the product's value and profitability. They advise evaluating the product's worth, profitability, and potential for generating substantial profit. 2. Target Unique and High-Margin Markets: They recommend focusing on unique, high-margin products or services and caution against entering saturated markets. 3. Educate About Pain Points: The speaker suggests effective sales involve identifying and understanding the customer's pain points, then offering tailored solutions. They recommend acting as a consultant during conversations. Additionally, the speaker mentions the importance of building a network through content creation, particularly in niches like web three and crypto, to establish credibility and draw clients seeking advice. The speaker notes that the real money often comes from business-to-business (B2B) services rather than ad revenue or sponsorships.The video concludes by encouraging viewers to explore more about sales through the provided link.

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1. The video addresses the earnings gap in sales and focuses on strategies to increase income.

2. The importance of the product's value, profitability, and problem-solving ability in generating higher income is highlighted.

3. Choosing unique, high-margin products and services, differentiating oneself, and skill development are emphasized.

4. Positioning as a high-value solution and avoiding price competition is discussed.

5. Building relationships, offering free advice, and fostering trust with potential clients are key to success in sales.

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Action Items

Introduction to the Importance of Sales:

• Sales is highlighted as one of the most crucial aspects of a business.

• The speaker emphasizes that even if you're not directly involved in sales, understanding sales principles is essential for success.

The Role of the Product:

• The speaker emphasizes that the product or service being sold plays a critical role in sales success.

• Selling a product that solves real problems and offers the potential for substantial profits is crucial.

Choosing the Right Product:

• The speaker advises against selling products that are saturated or offer low margins.

• Recommends focusing on unique, high - margin products or services that are difficult to emulate.

Creating Value and Confidence:

• Building value is discussed as a way to command higher prices for services.

• The speaker recommends positioning oneself as a valuable solution by solving complex problems.

• Confidence in your ability to deliver results is crucial to charge higher fees.

Pain Point Identification:

• Speaker 2 discusses the importance of identifying pain points in potential clients.

• By addressing these pain points and demonstrating how they can be solved, one can attract clients.

Using Content Creation:

• Content creation, particularly on platforms like Twitter and YouTube, is recommended to build a network and establish credibility.

• Content can attract potential clients who see the creator as an influencer or expert in their niche.

Leveraging Content for Networking:

• The speaker suggests that networking through content can lead to opportunities for advisory or consulting services.

• Providing free advice and building goodwill with potential clients can lead to paid opportunities.

Moving Upstream for Higher Value:

• The speaker advises moving "upstream" by targeting higher - value clients and markets.

• Selling high - value services to a smaller number of clients can result in more significant income.

Enterprise Sales:

• Enterprise sales are highlighted as a strategic approach to sales, where deals with a few larger clients can be more effective than many smaller deals.

Leveraging Existing Products:

• The speaker suggests leveraging products or services created by others to reach different customers.

• Employees can utilize their company's products to connect with potential clients.

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