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How to Cold Email Using the BEST AI Tools | Cold Email Subject Lines, FREE Cold Email Templates

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what's going on everybody so in this video we are going to be talking about how you can use artificial intelligence to generate more leads close more deals and generate more revenue for your business now before we get started make sure to give this video a like described turn on notifications and let's go ahead and dive right in and real quick a heads up this video is sponsored by copy ai which is one of the most powerful tools and simple tools i personally found when it comes to helping you write your cold email so if you wanna check out copy ai make sure to check the link in the description now everybody knows that artificial intelligence is just taking off right it's only getting better and better exponentially every single month every single industry no matter you're doing marketing copywriting writing sales it will absolutely be affected by auto artificial intelligence now it's not necessarily gonna replace your job but you can use it to make your job much more easier so at the end of the day you know if you're a salesperson if you're a entrepreneur coach consultant whatever the case is and your job is to write code emails and do outbound and convince people to do business with you you gotta find ways to save time so that you can focus less on manual work things are just labor intensive and focus more time closing more deals right so what we're gonna do today is i'm gonna give you some of my best tips when it comes to using copy ai to speed up that lead generation process all the way from subject lines writing the body create variations so let's get into it what we're gonna do is we're gonna go over a hypothetical example and i'm gonna pretend i am a marketing agency and what i do is i take long form youtube content and i turn it into blogs right long form blog so that people can put it on their website get a seo traffic traffic comes in they make money from that traffic right so let's say i want to hit up youtubers who maybe have a blog but they don't really use it yet and maybe i can take their youtube videos and turn it into a written blog right so to start things off using copy ai what we're gonna do first is we're gonna go to copy ai we're gonna press the chat button on the top left and it's gonna take us to this prompt right so this is actually very similar to chat g and how they format it where you can just type anything in there and it will give you answers so for us what we wanna do first is we gotta come up with some catchy subject lines so the prompt i'm gonna use is create ten catchy email subject lines to write to fitness in influencers youtube influencers to introduce my service where i help them turn their youtube videos into long form written blogs to maximize their digital presence generate more revenue and i wanna be positioned as an expert in free land blogging so once you put that prompt in there and what's gonna happen is it's gonna spit out ten different subject lines right so not every subject lines can be perfect but this is a way for you to get new ideas that you wouldn't have come up with by yourself and you can kinda change things up add your own touch to it to make it even better so we have some things like convert your fitness videos into killer blog posts from youtube video to blog reach more audience services okay that one's alright not too great boo your revenue with our youtube to block service okay that's interesting that might get someone open right and so basically you wanna do so you wanna get the ideas pick the best ones massage it a little bit changes it up to make it more human and then from there what you can do is you can put it back you into the prompt feature and say hey i like this subject line can you please create five different variations so now you're getting variations of the one that you it and then you can ab b test this to see which one works the best so the whole point of this is that it saves you time you don't have to sit down and come up with ten subject lines by yourself can actually just pull from this dataset set see what's good learn how to curate learn how to use the ai just to speed up the process so you can kinda see like this isn't gonna replace anybody's job anytime soon but it's just gonna help you speed up your job and make things a lot faster so that you can actually spend more time closing deal now the next step once you have a catchy subject line is you're gonna want to write a body and so what you wanna do is you wanna go into copy ai go into the templates go into the email section and then from there you want to select cold outreach email because they're gonna have like these different templates that you can use to make it really easy and it kinda trains you or teaches you how to use their ai so you don't have to learn by yourself right and so for me but what we're gonna do is you know what do you to create a cold outreach email and then what point you wanna cover this is the person i wanna reach out to i am this person i'm a blogging company some information about the recipient so you know alex is gonna be a youtuber two hundred thousand subscribers hypothetical situation and then it has to be like they have website but they're not using written blog quite yet go the email provide a catchy subject line make a personal connection by mentioning something about fitness focus on relevant pain points so you can tailor this for your specific ideal customer your industry just use it as an example of how you would be able to use copy right so basically you put in all the things that you want the more specific you are the more tailored it will be for your ideal customer now if you don't wanna go to general right you have to learn how to use the prompts and that's the name of the game so some of the results aren't gonna be the best you have to find the one that works best for you and a lot of times you might have to still add that human element touch especially when it comes to the intro and the clothes that's what i personally found that it needs to be worked on but over time it's gonna get better and better but for now you still gotta put that human element touch right going into some of the results like hey alex i'm a service provider where i help youtube content creators turn their youtube videos into long form blogs right so i wouldn't say like i'm a service provider i would probably make it more natural but you know you definitely do wanna say that you wanna turn that youtube video into a blog ready blog gonna help increase new by getting more exposure increasing google seo ranking i read your video about how you're interested in writing a blog this one doesn't really make sense that line so product to get out so i mean this one's kinda weird because it's just like throwing a bunch of random things in there so i would not use that one right and again you know you ask copy to carry different variations that you find something that works this one's more natural it's like hey alex i just want to reach out to see if you're interested in learning more about my service or i would actually change the service into like more specifically what you do but the next sentence kinda covers that so i'll combine the two so it's great way to increase your exposure for youtube video content and get more traffic from search engine here the ben is hiring k google seo cr website links get more people to watch your video so this is okay i like the bullet points but i to change the beginning so i would probably say like hey alex i was curious to see if you're interested in turning your long for youtube videos into blog so you get more traffic order to generate more revenue or sell more products some of the reason why my clients work with me may include google seo you know increased website clicks and so why and so forth and then i would put like some of my clients include x y z so you see it's like it's not all the way there but gives you the idea for you to speed up the process right it's not gonna write completely great for you unless you have the perfect prompts so you can even go back and just keep changing the prompts until you get something you like because i have experienced code email i can basically take that i idea and probably spend like extra five minutes and make it actually good right now from here you can actually massage the email a little bit by taking the one you like putting it back in to copy ai and then from there ask it to right variations so what we're gonna do is we're gonna get copy and paste one of the results i gave and then i'm gonna put it back to the chat feature and then it's gonna give me different variations right so it's like hi alex came across your youtube channel on your fitness video very inspiring okay this is better you know you it's it's commenting on the video i would love to connect with a you to discuss how i could help you reach inspire a wider audience general revenue okay well how do you do that well my name patrick founder of x y z and an online service that helps you to punch turn their long form videos into blogs we help them use revenue by getting more exposure increase seo blah blah and then i will probably put some of my clients include x y z here's the results that we've got you know maybe like a hundred thousand more extra views on the website whatever the case is right and then if you're interested feel free to click the link below book a meeting on my calendar so i did give it the prompt to have a call to action i would have to change this and this feel natural i would probably say so if you're interested feel free to book a time on my calendar or if make sense to work together let me know what your calendar looks like that's something more natural that i would use but the idea is definitely there the whole point is this is like by putting this prompt copy it paste it has gives me a nugget of idea i would probably based on my experience you know if i spent five to ten minutes i can make this a very solid email and i would feel very comfortable sending it out right so you wanna think of like a tool that will help you speed up the process not necessarily a tool that will write it for you maybe one day maybe a couple months from now as the artificial intelligence gets better and better maybe it will write it for you but right now that's not necessarily the case it just speeds up the process so a lot of people i've trained and i've seen especially in the sales development a lot of times you get stuck in writing they get like writer's block so this is one way to just completely take our writers block and it's almost as if someone wrote it for you and you have like okay it's not that great let's edit it and let's make it better and then from there create different variations of that better email ab b test it see what works and do it again and again and again and again so i would say using this tool versus not using this tool you know i would say it will probably increase your productivity rate by at least if your job is purely to write code emails to thirty percent to fifty percent i would say if you're like you know maybe like less than one year of experience or one or two years of experience your expert a little different right but like if you're just coming up sales rep it's not really like your you're not master at this will definitely save you time whether you're a rep whether you're an entrepreneur who has to write the email themselves you just wanna save time so that you can spend more time on the phone closing more deals and that's you have ai you know it's not really replacing sales development reps not yet at least it's just helping them do their jobs so much better so you have more free time for yourself you and so if you wanna check out copy ai again check the link in description to check that out and if you enjoyed this video make sure to give it a like subscribe turn on notifications and i'm gonna see you in the next one
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The speaker discusses the use of artificial intelligence (AI), specifically Copy AI, to enhance lead generation and revenue generation for businesses. The speaker explains that AI is becoming more prevalent in various industries, including marketing, copywriting, and sales. The focus is on how AI tools like Copy AI can assist salespersons, entrepreneurs, coaches, and consultants in streamlining their processes. The speaker uses a hypothetical example of a marketing agency that converts YouTube content into written blogs and demonstrates how to use Copy AI to create catchy subject lines for cold emails and to generate email body templates. The speaker emphasizes that while AI doesn't replace human involvement, it accelerates tasks, making them more efficient and providing more time for closing deals. The speaker concludes by noting that AI tools can significantly increase productivity for sales development reps, particularly those with less experience, and invites viewers to explore Copy AI via the provided link.

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1. Artificial intelligence (AI) has various benefits, including making marketing, copywriting, and sales tasks more efficient.

2. AI can save time for salespeople, entrepreneurs, coaches, and consultants by automating manual tasks, allowing them to focus on closing deals.

3. Tips are provided on using AI, specifically Copy AI, for lead generation, starting with creating catchy subject lines for cold emails.

4. Customization and personalization are essential when using AI-generated content to make personal connections and address specific pain points.

5. AI tools like Copy AI can significantly increase productivity by overcoming writer's block and providing starting points for effective emails, benefiting sales development reps and entrepreneurs.

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Action Items

Introduction to AI in Sales:

• The speaker highlights that AI is rapidly advancing and impacting various industries, including sales and marketing.

• While AI won't replace human salespeople, it can make their jobs more efficient by saving time and improving processes.

The Role of Copy AI:

• The video is sponsored by Copy AI, a tool designed to assist in writing cold emails.

• The speaker emphasizes the importance of using AI to streamline lead generation, making it more efficient and less time - consuming.

Generating Catchy Subject Lines:

• The speaker demonstrates how to use Copy AI to generate catchy email subject lines.

• By inputting a specific prompt, Copy AI provides ten different subject lines.

• Users can choose the best subject lines and even request variations to A/B test their effectiveness.

Creating Email Bodies:

• To create the email body, the speaker navigates to Copy AI's templates and selects the ""Cold Outreach Email"" template.

• The template prompts users to input details such as who they are, who the recipient is, and information about the recipient.

• The goal is to personalize the email as much as possible.

Editing and Personalizing Email Content:

• The speaker explains that while Copy AI can generate email content, it's essential to edit and personalize it for a more human touch.

• Users can modify the content to make it sound more natural and tailor it to their specific industry and audience.

Creating Variations and A/B Testing:

• Copy AI allows users to create variations of their emails by providing prompts.

• Users can request multiple versions to see which one performs the best in email campaigns.

• The goal is to improve the quality and effectiveness of cold outreach emails over time.

Speeding Up the Sales Process:

• The speaker emphasizes that the primary goal of using AI tools like Copy AI is to save time and increase productivity.

• By streamlining the email writing process, sales professionals can focus more on closing deals and less on manual tasks.

AI as a Productivity Tool:

• The video concludes by highlighting the potential of AI tools like Copy AI to significantly increase productivity rates for sales development representatives and entrepreneurs.

• While AI doesn't replace sales professionals, it enhances their efficiency and effectiveness.

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