In this video, The speaker highlights five common but counterproductive questions in sales and offers alternatives for each. The first question, ""Is now a good time to chat?"" is often asked during cold calls and can prompt the prospect to decline. Instead, The speaker suggests saying something like, ""Hey, I'm a little lost. Do you mind if I take a second to tell you why I'm calling?"" The second question, ""Are you the decision maker?"" can put the prospect on the spot and lead to inaccurate responses. An alternative approach is to ask, ""Is there anyone else we need to involve before making a decision?"" The speaker moves on to the third question, ""What do you dislike about your current vendor?"" This direct inquiry often doesn't yield valuable information. Instead, they propose asking, ""On a scale of one to ten, where would you rate your current vendor?"" Question number four, ""Do you need time to think it over?"" can prolong the decision-making process. To get a timeline and expedite decisions, they recommend asking, ""Is there a timeline you have for when you'd like to make a decision?"" Lastly, the fifth question, ""Can I send you an email with more information?"" can lead to delays and lack of engagement. Instead, The speaker suggests inquiring, ""What specific information are you looking for before making a decision?"" and proposing to discuss those points over the phone. The speaker encourages viewers to avoid these ineffective questions and embrace the provided alternatives to enhance their sales strategies. They ask for likes, subscriptions, and comments on viewers' main sales challenges to guide future content creation.