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TOP 5 Cold Email Tips to DOMINATE B2B Sales | Cold Emailing Strategy, Tech Sales Tips, SaaS Sales

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what's going on everybody so in this video we are gonna be talking about my top five cold email tips you've gotta know if you want to dominate feed feedback sales now quick shout out to hubspot for supporting the channel and helping make this video possible and let's go ahead and dive right in so no matter whether you are a salesperson or maybe your a sales manager or you do any type of e prospecting right the challenge is that sometimes when you send a code email not a lot of people are going to respond and so what are the things that you can do to shift that and change the narrative so that your response rates start to increase you start get more meetings and ultimately you can close more deals so the first thing that a lot of people overlook is actually evaluating or evaluating your offer now here's the thing no matter what it is you're selling you have to really understand whether or not what you're selling is competitive to the rest of the market meaning if you sold the same thing that everybody can sell and everybody can do just as good as you and maybe they can do it faster and cheaper well why would anybody respond to you especially if maybe you don't even have a branding right they would go for somebody else so the first thing you have to do is evaluate your offer to see if what you're selling is something thing actually competitive because i've seen so many different times where people they try really hard they send hundreds of emails right maybe they're not that experience and then they're like oh man patrick not working i just sent it all these people i follow up three times like you said and nobody is responding and usually the issue is not necessarily that the cold email doesn't work code email different does work the challenge is that their offer is just not good so if you're selling a product and service that is just not good if you're an entrepreneur you can change your product change your service and create a different offer so that it's more appealing to somebody right now if you're working at a company what you can do is you can switch jobs and find a better product to sell or you can change the narrative how you present your offer so that it's more attracted to your ideal customer now give you a personal example of something that that person going through like currently right now right some of you guys might know i am in nfc space i actually have a nfc channel called para dedicated to t's and because i have that and i also launch my own project a lot of people know they come up to me they messaged me they asked me patrick hey i need help launching my own project just like how you did it right and at the time you know i didn't offer any services you know just like i'm kinda busy with my own project i don't really wanna have other people right now because i don't have the capacity right and just so many people started asking me for these services because number one they cannot find else in the market that they can trust number two they see my brand they see everything i'm doing and they want me to do what i did for myself because of that position i'm in a field where there's very little competition a lot of people trust my brand so it's like if i don't even wanna offer my services these people are asking me to pay me need to help them out right and that's just an example of really good positioning when it comes to entrepreneurship creating an offer creating a product and service that people want right and so instead of me pretending creating something that nobody wants i just ask them hey what do you need and then if i choose to offer them those services that they're already willing to pay money for then it's an easy sell so if i let's say help one client and i emailed ten clients who are similar to the person i just helped obviously they're gonna respond back to me much more highly because my offer is such a demand right and so the positioning of your offer is going to be incredibly important in anything you do if you really want to increase your response rates that's the first thing you gotta do so the next step i have for you when it comes to code emailing is you need to a b test everything so you know now that you have a good offer and you're sending out people sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't so you need a process to understand why it works and why it doesn't it and this is why ab b testing is very important so ab b testing all it really is is you know just changing one variable of an email and seeing which one works better for example let's say you have an email you have a subject line you have a body you have a call to action very simple right let's say you send a hundred emails to these group of people and a hundred emails to this group of people they will be exactly the same thing but let's say you just changed the subject line for you know email number two well email number two work better than email number one so from now on i will use this subject line because it proved to be more successful and so that's pretty much ab testing right so when you're doing any type of code emailing understand you can ab b test your subject lines your body what you're offering in the body and your call to action in the end whether you're asking for a meeting or what's the next step right you need to keep ab b testing everything and so the way i approach it is that every email campaign you have to ab test right and you always try to improve one variable on every email so after you know sending let's say like dozens of different campaigns you know you'll tweak all these things until you increase your response rate a little bit every single time and after doing that for a month or two then you should have something that's very very optimized for a specific target demographics so don't forget to do this don't be sending your emails and not understanding what works and what doesn't use some kind of software so that you can av test these things track it make adjustments and see what works and see what doesn't so before you even start ab testing what i would actually do before that step is to find some type of proven template that has like data to back it up to show that it is something that can potentially work and use that template and use it for your specific product and service so one of resource that i can recommend is gonna be hubspot twenty five proven mail templates which you can actually download for free and if you wanna learn more about this there's gonna be a link in the description where you can actually download all these twenty five proven templates so you know if you're you know reaching out to prospects for the first time you know you wanna follow up with them maybe you sent them a voice mail and you wanna set an email to follow up many type of scenarios that these emails can actually help you for and the best part about these templates is that they're actually proven to convert meaning that because hep hubspot has a lot of data they tried this out there's actually statistical evidence that these emails have proven to work however just because you use it doesn't mean will guarantee will work for you but you have to massage it and change it up a bit so that it works for your specific product and service in your industry but these have worked in the past for other industries so that just gives you a leg up and it gives you you can work on top of an ab b test until it works for you so if you wanna learn more about this go ahead and click the link in description download the email templates try it out and you are good to go now moving on to the next tip the next thing i got we gotta talk about is following up right so you have might have a great offer maybe you got a good initial email template that somewhat works right but you have to remember following up is very important because when you're reaching out to entrepreneurs or ceos executives they are always going to be busy and sometimes they see your message or your email and they wanna respond but something just came up and then they just completely forgot about it so that's why you got to follow up there are different strategies of how you can follow but generally the rule of thumb you should at least follow up three times and then each follow ups should come between three to seven days usually and that's what i usually recommend to my students and if you wanna learn more about those follow ups you know go ahead and check out hubspot templates because they got some follow ups in there as well now the thing i have to know about follow ups is that you never wanna take it personally if people don't respond don't be like oh my god this guy so mean it's just that they're busy right and you just have to keep pinging them until they actually respond sometimes you have to change your offer a little bit and just like reposition what you're selling but a lot of times if you just like follow up three times you will increase your response rates right so for example if you send the first email and you're getting like six percent response rate every follow up after that you should be like another like four percent to six percent so then you can get maybe after campaign of four emails you might get between you know twenty percent to twenty five percent response rate which is actually pretty good for quote email right so following up is the key if you want to generate more leads now the next tip i have for you is that during your cold emails at the very end make sure your goal is to book a meeting right a lot of people sometimes they try to sell their product and service that might be expensive might be not just through an email and it's actually very difficult to convince a company to buy via email because they wanna make sure they can trust you they can trust your product they wanna know you know other customers that you help so they have all these questions right that are very difficult to answer during your email because it's very logical but when you get on the phone with somebody but you can sell them emotionally you can make them feel like you're someone of trust you can build that rapport and then it's just so much easier for you to sell your products and services so at the end of the email i always usually recommend that you have some kind of quality action something like hey if it makes sense to talk feel free to book a time on my calendar or you know let me know what your calendar looks like right depending on how you wanna do it and then you send a link and then they're gonna pick a time and then you're gonna have a conversation so if you think about it from a fundamental level the only goal of a code email is to get someone to book a time on your calendar so you can talk to them learn about them and potentially sell your products services right it's all about whether or not it's going to be a good fit and so the email itself is almost like a qualifier to see hey does this guy even passed my test of screening because if they are not a good fit why even waste your time talking to them on the phone right and so that's powerful for an email so with it's not just like them responding to your email but it's you filtering out the right prospects to make sure that you're talking to the right people very important because if you're a salesperson you're an account executive you're an sdr your time is the most valuable thing that you have and you do not wanna waste it on tire kicker alright so the fifth tip that i have for everyone is that when something is working you want to double down now when it comes to sales processing i know a lot of people they think that doing omni channel is gonna be the most bang for your buck in terms of time right so let's say they're doing code email code email starts working they're like okay i'm gonna do c calling now i'm gonna do linkedin now i'm gonna do social selling now i'm gonna create content and they're like was it trying to do everything right now this does work in the long term if you have a team to do each one of these things but it takes a lot of resources it takes a lot of time and it takes a lot of brain power to learn how to each platform because there are actually all different if you're like more of a solo sales rep maybe you're a sole entrepreneur coach consultant or something like that understand that if you have one way to generate leads that's actually enough to like generate substantial revenue right so like let's say you're doing cold emailing and it's working instead of jumping on cold calls right now why not just double down on code emailing and increase your conversions increase the amount of meetings that you get with the code email because when you split your time so many different ways per day each one is not gonna be that effective but if you just narrow down and focus on like one thing that's gonna be so much more effective compared to doing five things at once realistically if you're just a regular person trying to make it in the sales game you know if you have code emailing just and it's working and you're getting a ton of meetings why do anything else right just code email code email you'll email get your responses up try different strategies when it comes to code emailing c what can be optimized to increase your response rate and then you just blow up your calendar of cold emails right so something is working truly double down right they'll start looking everywhere and getting distracted sometimes to get the best results you do the same thing over and over yes it's boring but you master your craft and that's where i feel like a lot of people are missing out especially the younger generation of salespeople because they think they have to do everything but really if they just do one thing really well it can actually accomplish most of their professional goals and so what that said that is everything we gotta cover it comes to my top five code emailing tips if you enjoyed it make sure to give this video a like subscribe and turn on notifications and i will see you guys in the next one
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In the video, the speaker discusses their top five cold email tips for improving sales effectiveness. They emphasize the importance of evaluating and refining the offer to make it competitive in the market. They also explain how a strong offer can increase response rates, providing an example from their experience in the NFC space. The speaker goes on to explain the significance of A/B testing in optimizing email campaigns by changing one variable at a time. They stress the need to track and adjust elements like subject lines, body content, and calls to action. They recommend starting with proven templates, such as HubSpot's, and customizing them to fit one's specific product or service. The importance of follow-ups is another topic the speaker covers, pointing out that entrepreneurs and executives often overlook emails due to busyness. They suggest following up three times at intervals of three to seven days and using HubSpot's templates for effective follow-ups. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the goal of booking a meeting as the primary aim of a cold email, as selling a product through email can be challenging. They offer suggestions on including a call to action to book a meeting in the email's conclusion. Lastly, the speaker advises doubling down on what's working instead of spreading oneself thin across various methods, advocating for focusing on one effective strategy, such as cold emailing, and perfecting it. They conclude by encouraging viewers to like, subscribe, and turn on notifications for their content.

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1. The video introduces the challenge of achieving high response rates in cold emailing.

2. Shifting the narrative in cold emails to improve response rates is discussed as a key strategy.

3. The importance of evaluating the competitiveness of your offer in the market and making necessary improvements is emphasized.

4. A personal example in the NFC space illustrates the value of offering services that people want and need.

5. The concept of A/B testing for cold emails is introduced, focusing on improving email elements and subject lines for better results.

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Action Items

Evaluate Your Offer:

• Take some time to critically assess the product or service you are selling. Is it competitive in the market? Does it stand out from the competition? If not, consider how you can improve your offer to make it more appealing to potential clients.

Start A/B Testing:

• Begin A/B testing your cold emails. Experiment with different subject lines, email body content, and calls to action. Keep track of what works and what doesn't, and gradually optimize your email campaigns for better response rates.

Focus on Booking Meetings:

• Shift your cold email strategy towards the goal of booking meetings rather than trying to make a sale directly through email. Include a clear call to action in your emails that encourages prospects to schedule a call or meeting with you. This will allow you to build rapport and have more in - depth discussions to close deals.

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