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7 Words To Avoid In Sales

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you might not realize this but sales is a game of slight advantage especially if you're selling into a competitive market when customers are comparing your products and services with another person really the person who has that slight advantage the person who's just a little bit better is the one that is going to win the deal and as you know in sales when you say the wrong words it might actually cost you to deal so in this video what we're gonna do is we're gonna show you my seven top words that you must avoid in sales to become a more effective seller hey everybody what's going on is patrick dang here and like i was saying before saying the wrong words and sales may completely cost you the deal so in this video what we're gonna do is we're gonna show the seven top words you've gotta avoid and we're also gonna show you how to replace these words with better alternatives so that you can become a more effective seller before we go ahead and get started make sure you go ahead and hit that like button if you are excited for this video and if you haven't already make sure you subscribe and hit the vacation bell so with that said let's go ahead and get started with showing you the seven words that you gotta avoid in sales now jumping right intuit it the first word that we're gonna cover is problem okay so anytime you're in a sales meeting obviously you want to talk about the customers or the prospects challenges and problems that they have so that you can show your solution can solve their pains however if you use the word problem sometimes some people see this as something negative right has a negative connotation like something is wrong and by using the word problem sometimes people may feel like they don't want to review their problems to a stranger and they might climb up and then they may not give you the right information you need in order to give them the best selling experience possible so instead of using the word problem which you know can be problematic you wanna replace that word with an alternative and what i like to recommend is using the word challenge so when you use the word challenge it's pretty much the same thing as saying problem however the connotation is completely different using the word challenge almost like an obstacle that you guys can overcome together and some suddenly the sales situation might be a lot more fun instead of diving into someone's deep emotional pain so when you replace the word problem with challenge people are a lot more open with you they don't feel like they need to hide anything and they will tell you their challenges because they feel that you as a seller will help them overcome their challenges which you will by selling your product or service alright so now we're gonna move into the next word that you got to avoid in sales and the word is by now the word by itself can sound really sales right so if salesperson says hey you should buy my product obviously the prospect of the customer is gonna be like i don't wanna buy anything you're selling right so instead of using the word buy what you wanna do is you wanna replace it different phrases such as would you like to move forward would you like to invest in this solution or would you like to take advantage of this or opportunity so as you can see here these phrases pretty much mean the same thing as buy the customer is interested in your product or service and they're gonna buy it however instead of telling someone to buy you're just kinda saying hey would you like to invest in our solution would you like to take advantage of this opportunity while it last right so this connotation is completely different so instead of pushing someone to buy your product or service which may make them feel a little hesitant instead look at whatever you're selling as an investment for this person and an investment essentially can make someone's life better instead of being like all the other salespeople people who are trying to get their customers to buy buy buy and instead you're trying to get your customers to invest in your solution that's gonna be completely different your tonality of how you come across in that sales meeting is gonna be so much more smooth alright so now gonna move into the third word that you gotta avoid in sales the word is pitch now when i use the word pitch a lot of you guys watching this might feel oh i don't wanna watch a sales pitch or i don't wanna hear a pitch you're just gonna try to sell me something right and it has this negative connotation so instead of using the word pitch and said what you can do is use the word presentation demonstration or if you wanna pitch your idea or or service let's say verbally or a face to face without a presentation you could just say hey are you interested in hearing what i do or how i can help you and the prospect of the customer is gonna say and then it opens the opportunity for you to actually pitch your product or service but you don't necessarily have to say hey do you mind if i pitch you because people don't wanna hear a pitch but you say hey would you like to move forward to a demonstration a presentation would you like to hear how i might be able to help you and when you phrase it in this way people are a lot more likely to listen to whatever it is that you say in the end of the day you're still essentially pitching your product or service however how you go about it and how you enter that pitch right the framing before you even come into the actual pitch makes a huge difference in how people perceive you and how people perceive whatever it is that you are selling alright moving into word number four and the word is honestly or it could be a phrase which is to be honest right someone says hey to be honest with you blah blah blah blah now here's the problem of using the word honestly or to be honest it implies that everything that you have said throughout the entire sales dating is essentially not honest and by using this phrasing you're saying okay now i'm gonna tell you the truth the reason why you don't wanna do this is because by using the word honest or honestly or to be honest you're basically saying that you're lying to the prospect and that they should trust you now but pretty much when you're asking someone to trust you in that way they're not gonna trust you anytime you use this type of phrasing what's gonna happen is a prospect has their ga they're gonna feel like everything you say may or may now be true and they're not sure what's truth and what's not so pretty much what you wanna do is just completely avoid the word honestly honest or to be honest so you never run to a situation where the prospect feels that what you said beforehand wasn't the truth alright next word that we are gonna cover and that is going to be contract now the word contract itself it's very feels very restricting or limiting or like if someone signs a piece of paper and maybe they didn't read everything that they're gonna sign their soul away so there's a lot of negative connotation to the word contract and for a lot of business out there you have to sign a contract in order to move forward with a deal especially if it's a large deal size right so instead of using the word contract what you can do instead is replace that word with agreement right so if i said hey would you like to move forward with the agreement this week right that sounds a lot more flexible and open and welcoming compare to the word contract if i said hey do you wanna sign the contract this week they're gonna be like let's just push off to next week right but if it's using the word agreement it's a lot more friendly it's lot more open and people are a lot more receptive to it and receptive to you because they don't feel like you're trying to lock them in anything and again at the end of the day these things are actually all the same right a contract is a contract is a piece of paper that both people agree on however how you say the words which words you are using will make a difference in how people will perceive you and you know if you are making people feel comfortable and they like you and they trust you you're a lot more likely to deal compared to if you use all these hard words like contract now we're gonna move into the next phrase and that is trust me and using the word trust me is very similar to using honestly or to be honest so when someone says trust me it's kinda weird because someone who's trustworthy shouldn't tell other people to trust them their actions and what they do should create the feeling of trust right but whenever someone uses the word trust me or hey to be honest you should do x y z it's kind strange because typically that's when people keep their guard up because people who ask another person to trust them typically aren't very trustworthy and that's the so conscious thing that we have going on in our minds so what you wanna to do is just completely avoid the word trust me instead if you want to build trust with your prospect or with your customers instead of telling them to trust you instead just do the right thing and really try to help them out as much as possible instead of trying to fill your own pockets and naturally you're gonna build rapport you're gonna build trust and you don't have to say anything about having the other person trust you if they don't believe you if they don't believe you that's something that you did something that you said and you have to fix your attitude however just avoid the word and phrasing trust me and you're gonna just you know save yourself from a lot of headaches okay so now the final word that we are gonna cover for this video is going to be objections the reason why you don't wanna use the word objection is because it kinda invites a lot of negative connotation to why someone shouldn't buy your product or service and i'll give you an example if i was a salesperson and i went to as another person and trying to sell them something and at the end of the meeting i say hey do you have any objections for me then in automatically what happens is for that person they're gonna think of okay let me think of all the reasons for why i shouldn't buy and just like throw it at you right and although you want to understand the reason for why someone does advise you can kinda clear them you don't wanna position it as objections because you're it creates like this conflict they're thinking of all the reasons for why they shouldn't buy instead of using the word objection which essentially has a negative connotation what you wanna do is you wanna replace that word with different types of phrasing for example what you can say is is there anything else you need to see before moving forward or is there anything else that may stop you from moving forward with the deal so pretty much this is just a phrase that allows the person to bring up other their objections however you don't have to use the word objection because again that has a negative connotation and it puts the person in the wrong mindset and especially it puts them in defense mode versus buying mode instead you wanna say things like hey you know is there anything else you need to see before moving forward with your investment and if they have objections they'll tell it to you but it's a lot more of an open dialogue where they can tell you any of their hesitation or concerns and then as a salesperson you can kinda handle those objections and making the prospect feel confident in their buying decisions so just completely avoid the word objection and replace it with different types of phrasing alright so those are gonna be the seven words that you gotta avoid in sales so if you have the habit of using these words make sure you just replace them with some of those phrasing and words that i shared in this video or if you wanna put in your own flavor in your own style usual words that are similar that fit into your selling situation and in the comments you know i'm curious which word do you find yourself saying all the time and how are you going to replace that or what are you gonna replace it with put it in the comments i'm really curious to hear your feedback and hear you know what you're learning out of these videos so if you made it to the end of this video make you give this video a like because it's brand new channel and you know we're dropping new sales videos every week and every light does help these videos reach new audio and so if you're getting any type of value make sure you like and if you wanna see more videos make sure you subscribe because i am dropping new videos every single week and lastly hit the notification bell if you wanna get notifications so with that said thank you for watching i appreciate all your support hope you guys get a lot of value out of these videos and i'm gonna see you guys in the next one
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The speaker discusses seven words that should be avoided in sales conversations to become a more effective seller. The first word is "problem," which can be replaced with "challenge" to create a more positive and collaborative connotation. The second word is "buy," which can be substituted with phrases like "move forward," "invest," or "take advantage of." The third word is "pitch," which can be replaced with "presentation," "demonstration," or asking if the prospect is interested in hearing more about the seller's offerings. The fourth word is "honestly" or "to be honest," which implies potential dishonesty and should be avoided. The fifth word is "contract," which can be substituted with "agreement" to create a more flexible and welcoming tone. The sixth word is "trust me," which should be avoided as trustworthy actions should speak for themselves. Instead, focus on building trust through genuine actions. The seventh word is "objections," which can be replaced with phrases like "Is there anything else you need to see before moving forward?" to create a more open dialogue. Speaker1 encourages viewers to replace these words with more effective alternatives for smoother sales interactions.

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1. Sales success hinges on gaining a slight advantage in competitive markets and using the right language for effective deals.

2. Initiating a sales call with a purpose, cause, or belief can significantly boost positive sales outcomes.

3. Avoid using the word "problem" as it can be perceived negatively; instead, use "challenge" to foster a more positive and collaborative environment.

4. Substitute "buy" with alternative phrases like "move forward," "invest in this solution," or "take advantage of this opportunity" for a more positive impression.

5. Replace the term "pitch" with more inviting alternatives like "presentation" or "demonstration."

6. Steer clear of phrases like "honestly" or "to be honest" to build trust and credibility in sales conversations.

7. Instead of "contract," opt for "agreement" to convey a more flexible and open approach.

8. Building trust through actions is more effective than simply saying "trust me."

9. Avoid using the word "objections"; use phrases that encourage open dialogue and discussion during sales interactions.

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Action Items

Replace Problem with Challenge

• Instead of using the word "problem" during sales conversations, replace it with "challenge."

• Using "challenge" creates a more positive and collaborative environment.

• Customers will be more open to discussing their challenges, allowing you to provide better solutions.

Replace Buy with Positive Phrases

• Avoid using the word "buy" directly.

• Use alternative phrases like "move forward," "invest in this solution," or "take advantage of this opportunity."

• This change in language conveys a more positive impression and encourages potential customers to make a commitment.

Avoid Using the Word Pitch

• Refrain from using the word "pitch" when describing your sales presentation.

• Instead, use terms like "presentation" or "demonstration" to sound more inviting.

• Creating a positive first impression with your language can set the tone for a more successful sales interaction.

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