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Best Cold Call Secrets - Joker Calls Batman

Do You Want To Attract High Ticket Clients with Ease? Start here ► http://highticketclientsbootcamp.danlok.link Dan Lok is known for his sales secrets, and in this video you'll discover Dan Lok's best cold call secrets. They aren't what you'd expect. Watch this video now to discover Dan's best cold call secrets. Want ...

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commissioner what i don't want any cruise travel packages is this a joke how did you get my phone number joker gave it to you i don't have time for this i gotta fight some crimes how many times you have people calling you interrupting your day try to get a sale or as a closer that you have to close other people you got cold call people but at the end of the call you feel like you didn't take a shower today i'm gonna teach you three powerful cold cost secrets that will help you close more sales and learn more deals cold secret number one you want to avoid cold calling you see how they buy is as important as what they buy the frame of mind your prospect is buying before they make a single purchase from you it's extremely critical i want you to imagine this if someone is interrupting you let's say you're in the mall you're walking to your favorite store in the mall someone you know those booths there's hey three sample try this try that they are interrupting you from where you want to go and when they do that you're like i don't want this it's okay or sometimes you pretend you don't see them or you walk around them and you try to avoid them that's what happens when you cold call people remember people love to buy but they hate to be sold you don't want to be sold i don't want to be sold we want to know we want to think that we are making the decision we're making that final buying decision so when you're cold calling someone with no prior relationship with no value added to the lights ahead of time the problem is you are trying to build a trust in a very short period of time the problem is the minute you do that they started off not trusting you not liking you being skeptical and you think you can use your phone skill to overcome all the that it's very very difficult i do understand in some cases corporations sun industries that you are still driving your business with the telephone here's one i believe in and you don't have to buy my i believe but here's what i believe that when it comes to telephone calls telephone itself it's a great conversion tool it is a horrible lead generation tool now i know i'm gonna get a lot of comments people disagreeing with this just my belief you don't have to buy my belief i think when it comes to lead generation you're much better off to use marketing and so many other things that you could do to generate the leads so all you have to do all you wanna do is have you put up their hand and say you know what i wanna learn more about this then you get them on the phone instead of using a telephone to cold and interrupt people and see if they would put up the hand it's like on one hand if they interested in what you have to sell they can say you know what i want to learn more about this if your cold call people it's like people don't want move and you try to force it i mean come and put up your freaking hand i don't want it put up your freaking hand that is the issue so avoid c calling number two when if you do have to do cold call you don't want to just cold you wanna turn it into a warm call so when you're calling someone do your research first what could you do find out the first name find out the the industry finally bit more their profession if your b to b you're selling let's say to companies or businesses that's okay we search linkedin profile social media facebook find a little bit about the person before you even call them don't call them and say hey is this john smith the minute you say that right there they know it's a cold call they don't wanna talk to you i'm busy i don't know if time and they hang up on you you don't wanna do that right so find out about who they are worse hey how are you doing sir immediately i don't no time for this i don't wanna talk to you how is it going madam c call no good you don't know who i am i do not wanna talk to you so find now ahead of time and then when you call them if you have no power relationship and you have to do it then i would say call them and act as if you're getting it back to them instead of you calling them out of the blue secret number three you wanna set up the call in a way you want to get as many inbound calls as possible instead of doing outbound time has changed now with social media with different platforms with technology there are a lot more things that you could do to qualify the prospects personally now this is the way that i do it i do not wanna talk to a prospect until and unless they are pre interested and pre qualified and pre motivated i do not wanna use the telephone that's a lead generation tool i wanna use the telephone as a conversion tool so what do i do i use marketing branding social media to generate the leads to generate the interest first so then when they book a time with one of my closures so i know that they have put up the hand and i know that they want to know more so then it's not an bat is an inbound they have block all the time schedule the time and put on the calendar and they call in during that time i know that when i call someone i don't know what the heck they're doing they could be taking care of the kids they could be just taking care of some house work i don't want to interrupt them i want their full attention during that thirty minute call during that sixty minute call during that ninety minute call if i'm doing b closing doesn't matter i want the full attention to see my demo to see my presentation because if i don't have the attention i will not be able to make that sale i don't have the trust i cannot make that sale now with what's happening in terms of sales we are not you are not selling a product you are not selling a service you are selling trust and when you call them you are the salesperson but when they call you you are the expert
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The speaker a sales expert, discusses cold calling techniques and strategies to improve sales in a conversation. They emphasize three cold calling secrets. In the first secret, they highlight the importance of not cold calling but rather generating leads through marketing and attracting interested prospects. They explain how people prefer to buy than be sold to and suggest positioning oneself as a solution rather than an interruption. In the second secret, they stress the need for research before making a call, using the prospect's information to create a warm call. This approach aims to avoid immediate rejection due to obvious cold calling tactics. Lastly, in the third secret, they recommend transforming cold calls into inbound calls by utilizing marketing and social media for lead generation. This method ensures that prospects are pre-interested, pre-qualified, and more likely to be receptive during scheduled calls. The speaker underlines the importance of trust-building and positioning oneself as an expert when prospects initiate contact.

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1. Cold calling is discouraged due to its potential to interrupt prospects, create resistance, and the preference of buyers to make choices rather than being sold to.

2. Establishing trust and a positive relationship with prospects is essential before expecting a purchase.

3. Transforming cold calls into warm calls through research, finding common ground, and personalization is recommended.

4. Effective lead generation techniques involve utilizing marketing, branding, and social media to capture prospect interest before making contact.

5. The focus should shift towards generating inbound calls, as prospects who initiate contact are already motivated and interested, emphasizing the importance of holding prospects' full attention and selling trust and expertise.

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Action Items

Avoid Cold Calling

• The speaker suggests that cold calling, which involves reaching out to prospects without any prior relationship or value addition, can be challenging. Prospects often start with skepticism and mistrust. Instead, the speaker believes that telephones are better suited for converting leads rather than generating them. He encourages using marketing and lead generation methods to warm up prospects before calling them.

Turn Cold Calls into Warm Calls

• If cold calling is necessary, the speaker advises doing research on prospects before making the call. Find out their first name, industry, and profession, especially if you're in B2B sales. Avoid immediately asking if you've reached the right person, as it signals a cold call. Instead, try to establish a connection by addressing them with more personalized information to make it a "warmer" call.

Set Up Inbound Calls

• The speaker emphasizes the importance of getting prospects to call you rather than making outbound calls. He suggests using marketing, branding, and social media to generate interest and qualify prospects. When prospects schedule a call with your team, it's an indication of their pre - interest and qualification, making it easier to close deals. This way, you can ensure that prospects have dedicated time and attention for your sales presentation.

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