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5 Most Powerful Sales Questions To Ask Without Sounding Salesy

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now one of the most common misconceptions when it comes to sales is that to be a good salesperson you have to be the best talker and this was especially true back when i in college just looking for different jobs or trying to figure out which job i should do a lot of people said hey patrick you get at talking should be in sales and although that is kinda true to a certain extent after i got into the weeds and actually start selling and working at different companies i've realized that the best sellers are not necessarily the best talker but in fact the best listeners because the truth is nobody wants to hear a salesperson talk about how great they are or how great their product or service right it's just not relevant to the person and it's kinda annoying in some cases so what we're gonna do is we're gonna flip the script and in this video we're gonna show you how to become a better listener by learning my five most powerful sales questions to ultimately listen build empathy and close more deals not like it was just saying the best salespeople are going to be the best listeners and to listen you have to allow the prospect room to talk and how you do that is you wanna ask powerful intriguing questions now these aren't just any regular questions that you just kinda throw out there these are gonna be questions that guide the prospect throughout the entire sales process so that you can understand their pains build empathy and basically solve their problems and the best thing about using questions is that they're very subtle they're very conversation conversational know and you're not going to sound sales when you actually ask them so by the end of this video not only are get learn my five most powerful questions to guide a sales process but it's also gonna show you how to become a better listener it's gonna show you how to build more empathy and rapport when of your prospects and ultimately it's gonna help you close more deals and before we go ahead and get started make sure you give this video a like if you are excited to learn my five most powerful sales questions and if you haven't already make sure you subscribe to the channel because i'm gonna be releasing new sales training videos every single week and if you want notifications hit that notification bell alright so with that said let's go ahead and move into question number one okay so when you are in any type of sales scenario right were you're gonna meet with the prospect either in person or talk to them over of the phone and the thing about this is that sometimes you start off with some small talk you say hey john how's it going in and john says oh i'm doing well blah right you talk about the weather or whatever the case is now where things can become a little awkward awkward word is that sometimes you wanna go ahead and start the meeting but you're afraid to get it started or you don't wanna sound too pushy as a salesperson so what do you do to actually start a sales meeting in a nice conversational way and to solve this this is where question number one comes into play so when you're sending down face the face or when you're talking on the phone with the prospect if you wanna start the meeting this is all you have to say hey john i wanna be respectful of your time so do you mind if we go ahead and get started and john or whoever you're talking to is obviously gonna say sure let's go ahead and get started right it's simple as that and why this question is going to be incredibly powerful even though it seems so simple is that you basically control the frame of the entire conversation and it's basically going the way you want you wanna talk about exactly what you wanna talk about in the meeting and this is a way to get the other person to agree to the direction that you wanna take them and best of all you're getting down to business without sounding sales or push product down someone throat not only that but you're also building a micro commitment right you're asking a question the prospect answers sure why not let's go ahead and get started and then you move on to more and more questions and the more the prospect is able and willing to answer your questions the more depth you can have as the conversation continues so let's go ahead and get into question number two so once you get the meeting started you say hey john i wanna be respectful of your time so do you mind if we go ahead and get started john will say sure let's go ahead and get started then what you wanna do is you want to ask another question to figure out exactly why they agreed to the meeting that you have right there in that moment a simple thing you can say is hey john you know i'm just curious what got you interested in taking our call today right whether it's a call or a meeting you know you wanna just change your words depending on but you know same thing what you interested in taking our call today now this is gonna be an extremely powerful question because not only is that an open end question where the other person can basically say anything but you basically get down to the reason for why someone even is investing their time to speak with you right and the reason why you wanna do this is because you're trying to identify a problem that the prospect the person you're trying to sell to has and align your solution to those problems so that when it's time to actually sell it's very clear that whatever you're selling is something the prospect actually needs if you don't know why the prospect is in that meeting with you or is speaking with you then it's very difficult to sell them anything because people don't like to be sold but they love to buy and if you don't understand why they wanna buy then you're not gonna sell and the main thing you're really looking for when you ask the question what got you interested in this call today is you're really looking for a pain point right you're looking for one major pain point that really sticks out for the prospect and if you're able to solve that pain point they're gonna buy your products and services so wanna ask hey john you know what got you interested in taking the call today john might say oh you know we wanted to do facebook ads we try it ourselves but we just lost a lot of money doing it and we just don't know what to do so i just want to pick your brain and learn a little bit about what you do right sometimes it's literally as easy as that where people have a clear problem and they just tell you upfront and they don't wanna waste any time and even if they don't if they give you a little hint of problem like oh you know we try face way ads it didn't work just for example if you're selling facebook ad services then what you wanna do there is you wanna take that hint of pain whether it's strong or not strong right it doesn't matter but you find that pain and you wanna dive deeper into that pain and so asking question number two which is what got you sit and taking this call today basically scratches the surface level once you get that hint then you dive deep so once the prospect does give you some paints all you have to do is ask more questions like oh that's pretty interesting john can you tell me a little bit more about that another question you can ask is oh that's interesting john you know how long has this been a problem right basic surface level questions that you can use to dive deep into the prospects pain and once the prospect feels like you're actually listening right the key is to listen is that they're just gonna keep talking about their problems all day long and you're gonna write these things down and you're gonna get ready to sell and solve their problems alright so moving forward we're gonna go into question number three now during the entire sales process right you're asking questions you're understanding the prospects problem but this is the point that you absolutely need to clarify if you wanna sell your prospects and services to somebody so you just have to think of it like this you have point a and point b okay point a is someone's current situation where they are currently at point b is their a desired situation where they wanna go so you know if you're selling coaching services for you know helping people lose weight someone might be overweight that's their current situation and the desired situation is they want to lose weight and be healthy right and all you're really doing is saying hey where are you currently at right now and where do you wanna go right overweight not overweight making a little bit of money making a lot of money right depending on your products and services you all you're doing is getting them from point a to point b a question that you can use to kinda start this conversation during that sales meeting is this hey john can you give me a sense of where you're currently at and where you're trying to go i mean obviously there's gonna be more context to it when you're in that sales meeting but that's essentially it where are you currently at and where you wanna go and no matter what you're selling no matter what industry you're in there's always this motion right people are currently at a certain spot in their life whether it's their health their business their finances their relationships right and they always want to improve it in some way and if your product or service can help them get to point a to point b then it's gonna be so much easier to buy you whatever it is that you have right because the value is clear if they buy what you are selling they will get from point a to point be and it's very clear exactly how you would do that and you're essentially just a vehicle to get them there and the key is you really just wanna clarify the differences between point a and point b and make sure that both you and the customer understand that there is a separation between these two situations and during the sales meaning later towards the end once you show them that you can actually help them get to their desired situation it's gonna be so obvious for them to buy your products and services because it's it's just clear right you can help them get with a want and if you're charging something that's fair for the value you are providing then it's gonna be an easy sale if you can clearly define point a and point b and show them how you can help them cross that bridge now moving forward we're gonna go into question number four okay so like i said before you have this point a point b current situation desired situation but it's not enough just to show them that you can get them across the bridge not only that but you have to identify anything that's already stopping them from doing it on their own right because if your product or service helps them get from point a to point b but they think in their heads why should i pay this person when i could do it my self they're not gonna buy whatever it is that you're selling so the goal is you wanna make the prospect feel like they cannot get to their desired situation without your help and all you have to do is ask what's stopping you from reaching your goals on your own right what's stopping you from reaching your goals on your own all we're doing is we're taking point a the point b and we're widening the distance as far as possible we're making the prospect feel like they can't get to their desired situation on on their own and on top of that we're sucking in these challenges and trying to understand why the prospect cannot do it on their own right not only we're w the dissent but we're also putting these block which the prospect is already experiencing and making them aware that it's so difficult to do on their own that they need some kind of help right so once a prospect feels like oh man i wanna reach my goals but i can't do it because x y z and they start making all these excuses to why they can't do it on their own now we're getting ready to actually show them how we can help them get to where they wanna go and this actually leads us into question number five so if you wanna start pitching your product or service right what you wanna do is you wanna first ask permission to actually sell once you ask permission people are more likely to listen to whatever it is that you say so all you have to do is ask a simple question what were you hoping i could do the help now it seems like a very simple question and you're right it is a very simple question but it's a very powerful one what were you hoping i could do to help now at this point because the prospect has a very clear idea of where they are currently at and they have an idea of where they wanna go but they know that it's difficult to get to their desired situation without some kind of help because they failed to do it in the past now what's naturally going to happen is the prospect is now going to ask you for help and they're gonna say well what can you do to help me get to where i wanna go right and once they ask that question then you have earned the permission to actually pitch your product or service and once you do your pitch then they're gonna be a a lot more likely to listen to that pitch and seriously consider whether or not they should buy your products or services so instead of you hard selling or pitching the prospect is literally asking you for help and you completely reverse the situation and this is really only possible because you ask so many questions throughout this sales process you framed and controlled entire situation until you got to this point where you ask the question what were you hoping i could do to help you and at this point once the prospect does ask that question you go in for your pitch and i actually have a whole separate video on exactly how you can pitch your product or service so go ahead and check out the link in description or it could be somewhere on the screen but to summarize it for this video those are essentially my five top questions when it comes to learning how to listen to your customer understand what they want and basically prep them to the moment you can actually pitch your product or service and that's really it guys all you have to do is ask these five powerful questions throughout your sales meeting it's gonna help you dramatically increase your conversions and it's gonna help you become a better listener so that you can become a better closer now if you enjoyed this video and you can see how you can apply it to your everyday life and your everyday sale go ahead and give this video a like because every like does help this video reach new audience and if you wanna see new sales training videos every single week go ahead and hit that subscribe and notification bell and in the comments section go ahead and leave your number one sales challenge because i'm always curious to know what kind of challenges you guys are facing in sales so that can make some new videos in the future using or feedback so with that said thank you for watching and i'm gonna see you guys in the next video
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The speaker discusses the misconception that being a good salesperson requires exceptional talking skills and highlights the importance of being a good listener. They introduce five powerful sales questions to improve listening skills, build empathy, and close more deals. The questions are designed to guide the prospect through the sales process, understand their pain points, and offer tailored solutions. The first question is about starting the sales meeting in a conversational way to set the direction. The second question aims to uncover the reason for the prospect's interest in the call, focusing on identifying pain points. The third question clarifies the prospect's current situation and desired outcome, helping align the solution. The fourth question explores what's stopping the prospect from achieving their goals on their own, emphasizing the need for assistance. Finally, the fifth question seeks permission to pitch the product or service by asking how the salesperson can help. The questions progressively lead to a successful pitch. The video concludes by encouraging viewers to like, subscribe, and comment on their sales challenges for potential future content.

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1. The misconception that a good salesperson needs to be a great talker is debunked, emphasizing the importance of being a good listener.

2. The power of asking powerful questions in sales is introduced, highlighting their role in building empathy and closing deals.

3. Starting a sales meeting in a conversational manner is explained, with the specific question to initiate the meeting provided.

4. The significance of understanding why the prospect is interested in the call/meeting and using questions to uncover pain points is discussed.

5. A set of five powerful questions is summarized, intended to guide the sales process, build empathy, and lead to successful pitches.

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Action Items

Practice Active Listening:

• Implement the tips on becoming a better listener, as discussed in the video.

• Focus on asking open - ended questions to truly understand your prospects' needs and pain points.

• Make a conscious effort to listen more and talk less during your sales interactions.

Prepare Your Sales Questions:

• Develop a set of powerful sales questions that you can use during your meetings with prospects.

• Customize these questions to suit your specific industry and product/service offerings.

• Practice asking these questions to build confidence and improve your sales conversations.

Plan Your Sales Pitch:

• Consider how you can transition from asking questions to pitching your product or service effectively.

• Craft a compelling pitch that addresses the pain points and needs of your prospects.

• Be ready to ask for permission to present your solution once the prospect has expressed interest.

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